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Afghans Approve Security Pact, but Karzai Adds a Hitch


Jan 20, 2013
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United States
United States
I wonder if someone know what Karzai is smoking - he must know without the security agreement Afghanistan's future is at risk.

We at least I should thank him for helping save us US taxpayers money, life and limb.

original article here, excerpts below:


original article here excerpts below:

KABUL, Afghanistan — A grand council of elders approved a security agreement with the United States on Sunday, but President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan said he wanted to keep negotiating, throwing relations between the two countries into uncertainty.

While the council, known as a loya jirga, overwhelmingly approved the pact and asked Mr. Karzai to sign it promptly — as the Americans have requested — the loya jirga’s decisions were not binding. “On your behalf we will try to bargain more with the Americans and then we will sign this agreement,” Mr. Karzai told the group.


American officials reacted with anger and exasperation Saturday after Mr. Karzai accused American Special Forces troops of killing civilians in a raid; the officials said it was an Afghan-led raid that killed only insurgents.


The remarks from the president’s camp left many people wondering why Mr. Karzai had convened a loya jirga, bringing to Kabul 2,500 Afghan notables from around the country, dismissing most employees from work for six days and locking down a city of five million so thoroughly that all roads to it were blocked for several days.

Even Mr. Karzai’s allies were at a loss to explain what he hoped to gain from the perplexing series of events around what was expected to be a straightforward deal. Mr. Karzai had earlier asked the Americans to delay signing the agreement until a new president was elected, possibly allowing him to pass responsibility for the deal to his successor.


The Afghans dismiss that. “We don’t believe there’s any zero option,” Mr. Faizi said. “We believe if they have waited until now, they can wait five more months.”


Only a week earlier, diplomats were calling Mr. Kerry “the Karzai Whisperer,” after he came to Kabul and resolved most of the deadlock over the security agreement in early October.

That term is used only ironically now. In more recent contacts, both the Americans and the Afghans have come away with sharply divergent accounts of what the two men had agreed to. According to one such account, Mr. Kerry said that President Obama would apologize for American conduct during the war, which Mr. Kerry and Mr. Obama’s aides denied had ever been discussed.
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