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Afghan Boys and their Crimes


Apr 30, 2009
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United Kingdom


Look at these two young Afghani boys ...they robbed someone yesterday at khyaban e shaheen .fired on his car but the driver hit them from behind and they were caught ...they were caught by police twice in the past and suspected to kill a woman two days back at shaheen/mujahid signal ...one is 13 years old and the other one 16 years old ...do u think police will hold them ? How long do we have to suffer?
Just hope they don't get bail tomorrow. The fact that they are young offenders may explain why they've been acquitted leniently and without jail-time for their previous run-ins with the law.

Also, source?
Send all afghans back the only thing theyve given us in return for our generosity is gun culture, street crime, drug culture and ruined the city of flowers pekhawar!
There 1000s of such afghan children who beg on the streets of Islamabad and are a nuisance on traffic intersections. They ask for money and when the car occupant refuses they say they will scratch the car , this I've heard from others.

However from my own experience , I myself once gave a lift to a street kid in Islamabad , trying to be the good samaritan as he asked for a lift , once in the car he told me a long sob about his daddy beating him and he having to work and other stuff when the place came near where he wanted to get off , I gave him a lunch box which I happened to have in the car and some money. Off the kid went and I was happy to have done a good deed.

Just about 3-4 months later somehow I ran into the same kid , same way asking for lifts , I obliged the same way and word for word the rascal narrated the same sob story as before, he was just a kid so I didn't confront him about this and just let him out where he wanted to get off.

These people are professional leechers , this has become a way of life for them to leech off the kindness and generosity shown towards them by people from Pakistan and they now feel entitled to this kindness and generosity.

Just look at the faces of these kids , they are looking helpless BUT when released , they will go back to doing the same haramzadgi , with ZERO remorse, this is a pattern seen even amongst terrorists from the bordering areas.

Instead of licking indian bums , karzai ( or whoever is going to be the new clown of kabul ) should take them back.
Just hope they don't get bail tomorrow. The fact that they are young offenders may explain why they've been acquitted leniently and without jail-time for their previous run-ins with the law.

Also, source?
This event was actually happened with my friend's brother in law. According to police, both were caught two times before as well..
Just treat them as any Pakistani criminal should be treated. Their nationality should not be a point of discussion.
If they are illegal immigrants, deport them and make sure they can't cross back.
ughh...all afghanis are a plague to this country (and to the world too). the army should launch massive operations to clean up karachi and the entire kpk of these worthless little low lifes. seriously they don't even deserve to be in a country like ours. i might sound racist here but god damn they've been nothing but a pain in the ***!
Its sad to see such young afghan kids involve in such serious crimes . I have witnessed in my village that some local guys gave few thousand to Afghani guys to kill someone. They kill the person and get disappeared and you cannot even trace them
Afterall, it was a perfect crystal world.
India is More Perfect crystal world than us so y don't you guys have them. they also like Indians more than Pakistanis. haan what u say?

thanks Allah that guy is save. take all their finger prints and pictures. punish them and then Send them straight to the Jungle. make sure they never get back in.
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u sound just like us whining about illegal bangladesis

How many Bengalis goes around blowing themselves up and killing innocent Indians? Some of the Afghans are on a next level of violence. If this was some other country they would have been told to return back to Afghanistan. As now they have a government, they should go back and help rebuild Afghanistan.

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