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A place in Pakistan where Hindus fast during Ramzan and Muslims do not Slaughter cows


Mar 1, 2015
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United States
Pakistan has become synonymous with terrorism. On most news channels, we hear about minorities getting killed at the hands of extremists; attacks on temples, churches, or the forced conversions of Hindus and Christians in the country.

But there is a small town in Tharparkar, a district of the Sindh province where none of this is happening. In this quiet portion of a sprawling desert, both Hindus and Muslims have lived together like brothers since the creation of Pakistan.

Mithi is as sweet as the name it has been given. It is a town where Muslims, out of respect for Hindus, do not slaughter cows; and where Hindus, out of respect for Muslim rites, have never organised any marriage ceremonies or celebrations during the month of Muharram.

Not only that, the Hindus of Mithi also happily participate in providing food and drinks for Muslims during Ramazan, and both groups exchange sweets on Eid and Diwali. The crime rate in Mithi is at two per cent and never has anyone witnessed any incident of religious intolerance.

A Muslim resident of Mithi shared his experience by saying, "In our village, Hindus and Muslims have been living together for decades and there has not been a single day, when I have seen a religious conflict. No loud speaker is used for Azaan at the time when Hindus are worshiping in their temple, and no bells are rung when it is time for namaz. Nobody eats in public when it is Ramazan and Holi is played by every member of the village."

Mithi gives interfaith harmony a new meaning. Religious intolerance elsewhere has barely made a dent in Hindu-Muslim brotherhood over here. They live, eat, and work together, because according to them, it is in their culture.


Source: dawn.com
No wonder tharis are shorter than their mainland sindhi counterparts
Pakistan has become synonymous with terrorism. On most news channels, we hear about minorities getting killed at the hands of extremists; attacks on temples, churches, or the forced conversions of Hindus and Christians in the country.

But there is a small town in Tharparkar, a district of the Sindh province where none of this is happening. In this quiet portion of a sprawling desert, both Hindus and Muslims have lived together like brothers since the creation of Pakistan.

Mithi is as sweet as the name it has been given. It is a town where Muslims, out of respect for Hindus, do not slaughter cows; and where Hindus, out of respect for Muslim rites, have never organised any marriage ceremonies or celebrations during the month of Muharram.

Not only that, the Hindus of Mithi also happily participate in providing food and drinks for Muslims during Ramazan, and both groups exchange sweets on Eid and Diwali. The crime rate in Mithi is at two per cent and never has anyone witnessed any incident of religious intolerance.

A Muslim resident of Mithi shared his experience by saying, "In our village, Hindus and Muslims have been living together for decades and there has not been a single day, when I have seen a religious conflict. No loud speaker is used for Azaan at the time when Hindus are worshiping in their temple, and no bells are rung when it is time for namaz. Nobody eats in public when it is Ramazan and Holi is played by every member of the village."

Mithi gives interfaith harmony a new meaning. Religious intolerance elsewhere has barely made a dent in Hindu-Muslim brotherhood over here. They live, eat, and work together, because according to them, it is in their culture.


Source: dawn.com

If people use brains instead of locking them we can have perfect peace.

Not using Loudspeakers and Not using Bells is NOT a big issue we should apply this all over Pakistan.

Pakistan Zindabad
Sorry, I just saw one thread already existed about this village. Sorry, for reposting it.
There is already a thread about this. I have stated what I stated before. Hindus need a marriage act law, a way to dispose off their deads ashes, go to yatra to parts that are in India or Balochistan, eliminate the blasphemy law and take action against forced marriages and conversions. If this can be done by the government it will be much appreciated.

Fasting for Hindus is not something we want from them nor is us abandoning beef for their benefit. It is a touching display of tolerance, yes indeed but there are bigger problems. Should Hindus stop consuming alcohol for Muslims? Of course not. Hindu brothers do not need to fast for us. In Pakistan the onus is on us to provide them with more rights and equality.

@Oscar, @waz, @Chak Bamu... merge the 2 threads please.
There is already a thread about this. I have stated what I stated before. Hindus need a marriage act law, a way to dispose off their deads ashes, go to yatra to parts that are in India or Balochistan, eliminate the blasphemy law and take action against forced marriages and conversions. If this can be done by the government it will be much appreciated.

Fasting for Hindus is not something we want from them nor is us abandoning beef for their benefit. It is a touching display of tolerance, yes indeed but there are bigger problems. Should Hindus stop consuming alcohol for Muslims? Of course not. Hindu brothers do not need to fast for us. In Pakistan the onus is on us to provide them with more rights and equality.

@Oscar, @waz, @Chak Bamu... merge the 2 threads please.
Yes Sir, I just saw after posting this :(
Unrealistic situation!
realistic would be if Muslims are slaughtering cows and Hindus do have to fast and still both living in peace.
Very nice. There are similar instances here as well. But our secular brethren hate such display of inter-faith amity. Like (maybe) moulvis on your side.
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