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A new Russian and Israeli Alliance against Obamas America ?


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
Israel and Russia: Crimea seems a helpful distraction | The Economist
Mar 18th 2014, 21:58 by N.P. | JERUSALEM


MIGHT Russia’s occupation of the Crimea have won Israel a reprieve from American pressure to end its own occupation of Palestine? Set against the unfolding Ukrainian crisis, the shuttle diplomacy between Israeli and Palestinian negotiators that has entangled John Kerry, America’s secretary of state, for nine months seems suddenly almost irrelevant. After meeting Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, in Washington on March 17th, Barack Obama seemed distracted. These days he needs to be embroiled in the Middle East peace process like a loch in kop, Yiddish for “hole in the head”, wrote Chemi Shalev, Washington correspondent of Haaretz, Israel’s main liberal newspaper.

America’s inability to prevent Russia’s occupation of the Crimea may give succour to Israelis keen to hold on to the West Bank, the chunk of a would-be Palestinian state with about the same population as Crimea’s. “The situation in Crimea is giving many people here ideas,” says an Israeli former diplomat. A senior defence official noted Russia’s historic claims to the peninsula, while also hailing General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s overthrow of Egypt’s elected Islamist
government last July as a miracle sent from heaven. In both cases, he noted, America was unable to reverse the situation.

Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s foreign minister, himself a former Soviet citizen, issued an anodyne statement of concern about Ukraine before meeting Mr Kerry. But officials privately and commentators publicly are rallying to Mr Putin’s cause, contrasting his donning of a yarmulka at the Jewish holy site of Jerusalem’s Western (“Wailing”) Wall with the alleged fascist and anti-Semitic tendencies of his Ukrainian adversaries. “It is in our national interest, without being under any idealistic illusions, to nurture ties with a Russia whose leader seems to have dramatically broken with centuries of Tsarist and Bolshevik anti-Semitism and now displays friendship towards the Jewish people,” wrote Isi Leibler, a right-wing Australian-born activist on March 16th in Israel HaYom, the country’s most widely read newspaper. Israel’s wooing of Russia is not mere flirtation. Israel’s upwardly-mobile 1m-strong citizens of Soviet background further cement ties. Several key ministries, including foreign affairs, are headed by Russian-speakers who left the Soviet Union.

Israeli officials also sense that Russia may be filling a vacuum, as America’s reach in the Middle East shortens. Mr Putin, it is noted, may have turned a foreign-policy disaster—support for Bashar Assad, a dictator steeped in blood—into a foreign-policy success, by fending off America’s threats of military action and keeping his Syrian ally in power. “After a series of setbacks, Putin has one success after another, and America is losing every battle,” says Alon Liel, a former director-general of the foreign ministry. “The world detects a chronic American weakness and reluctance to pull the trigger. No one is afraid of Obama.”

Israel may feel freer, too, to flex its own muscle. Moshe Yaalon, Israel’s defence minister, is again threatening that Israel may go it alone to stop Iran’s nuclear programme. “We had thought the ones who should lead the campaign against Iran were the US,” he told students in Tel Aviv on March 17th. “But on this matter we have to behave as though we have nobody to look out for us but ourselves.”

(Picture credit: AFP)
Is this a joke? If Israeli's want that then why are they begging for US support all day everyday and begging for more military equipment and funding? The US should dump this pariah state, it's amazing that they're ungrateful after all that support. So what are they waiting for? Why don't they make it clear to the American people that this is what they want?

Oh and, there's no such thing as 'Obama's America', there is an American America that is tired of the Middle East and tired of fighting Israel's wars for them. They want to focus on our economy at home and serve our people. Obama is just acting by the will of the people as much as he could.
The Jewish Terrorist Lieberman is a Russian himself and should go back to his own country along with the rest of the 'Israelis' occupying historic Palestine. Please take them, they're the ones begging for US support and should be kissing American feet for the support they get. If these cowards want to play games then make it clear to the American people so they can finally realize we should dump this pariah state which would be subject to international sanctions if it wasn't for the US.

Don't post gibberish articles ever again, everybody knows these psychotic criminals survive of America.

Fucking cowards have been shit talking us for the past almost decade and we still support them for some reason. We need to introduce a policy, the next time Israel openly criticizes our administration or mocks our nation we should withdraw $1 billion in annual support.
Israel will never get away from the cloak of the US.

The Russian Gov't will never provide a thing similar to what the American. Gov't is providing to the Israelis.
Israel will never get away from the cloak of the US.

The Russian Gov't will never provide a thing similar to what the American. Gov't is providing to the Israelis.

While you're being pro-Israel these nations are leaking locations of your missile bases, something they wouldn't do about Israeli missile bases which all over the Negev and elsewhere. The US even has stockpiles hidden under the Negev which no one seems to talk about.

Graphic: Saudi Arabia's missile base 'with launch pads aimed at Israel and Iran' - Telegraph
There is no way Russians are going to back Nathanyhu up on Iran issue.
Well, many Ashkenazi Jews are actually the Slavs converted into Judaism and can track their root back to Russia and Poland.

And no wonder that they are not happy with the Anglo supremacist policy from the US.
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