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a birds-eye view of Earth-wide wars in the early 21st century - and how we got there


Jun 2, 2012
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a birds-eye view of Earth-wide wars in the early 21st century - and how we got there - without conspiracy theories.

I've been advocating for peace and the stopping of actually useless wars for over 10 years now. During that time, i had to endure many conspiracy theories and calls for violence and revenge.
Below you'll find my preliminary findings as to why so much of the world can not be traveled to at the moment.

I should add the disclaimer that I'm about to attempt to reveal the hidden truths behind the state of the world of this moment, but that by their very hidden nature, and refusal of officials to give people honest answers until 50 or 100 years later, the conclusions of this article have to be noted as theories rather than facts.

The last valid hot war - WW2.
How simple things were in the second world war, compared to today. At least WW2 had clearly defined bad guys - the Nazis - who got defeated fairly quickly by today's standard of war.

For some reasons that I should not speculate on, the Russians and Chinese got into rivalry with the US and EU over which system of government would become the dominant one on Earth after WW2. In my view, the Vietnam war was a direct result of this rivalry, and we all know how dirty that war was.

But barring the so-called proxy wars between Communism and Capitalism in smaller countries, we Earth-bound humans prevented an actual devastating world war between those two competing ideologies. It's been labeled a 'cold war', and continues to today. Not that you could call the Vietnam war 'cold', by the way.

The rich get richer, the poor get poorer.
All over our 1 world is a trend in progress whereby the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The Russians, with their Communist economic policies, had just as much abuse of luxury goods as happened in the West with the biggest popstars. This, in part perhaps, led eastern european nations to be OK with joining the EU and NATO and Capitalism. However, as the East-Germans found out, transitioning of your system of government to another system comes with economic hardship for the middle classes, which brings back a longing for Communism in some, and thus dividing the populations of those Eastern-EU nations.

The same economic corruption has happened with muslim leaders who enjoy the wealth that oil sales bring. Perhaps most of the muslim (high-)priests stay away from luxury lifestyles, but they have other character attributes (promoting violently-oppressing ancient muslim sociological values with today's violence) that divide populations into pro-western and pro-local-leaders camps.

Divide and Contain.

The above tendency of governments and political systems (Islam is a political system too in my eyes) to divide their own populations makes it very easy for the superpowers of Earth to play out proxy wars in those smaller-countries' regions. Not just between superpowers, but between superpowers and aspiring regional leaders like Iran (today) as well. But evidence from the uncontested sections of mass media news from the last 10 years or so has made it clear those superpowers do not desire total domination of far-away lands, but rather seek 'containment' and 'limited control'. This is still enough for the local leaders of those regions to declare holy wars back onto said superpowers, leading to what i call 'almost-hot world wars'.

The Quran says there must be holy war to determine which flavor of Islam will rule over all muslims.
Without making this a theological debate, in this birds-eye view it has to be mentioned that I was told this by muslims of differing Islamic religious-political flavors.
Needless to say this enables a strategy for superpowers to 'contain' all muslim geopolitical aspirations by playing divide and conquer on Iran and Iraq (the centre of the Middle East if you will) and have those two nations in turn facing pressure from Saudi-Arabia and other Muslim nations on the edge of the Middle East, in order to prevent the spread of Islam around the world, and to protect Israel from a repeat of the 6-day war.

In my view, the best option for muslims is still to decide that all Islamic flavors can co-exist in peace (it's better to laugh about your differences than to kill and hurt eachother over them - in differences is found much strength in my opinion), and to decide not to attack militarily vastly superior outsiders like The West with violence anymore - taking away the superpowers only excuse towards their own mostly peace-loving publics for attacking and invading muslim nations.

If there's one "mistake" made by The Prophet Mohammed, it's probably what he left behind in writings detailing what should happen with Islam after his death.
But even Mohammed himself could probably not foresee the rapid growth of Islam in numbers of believers and lands spanned.
It is my own belief that any religion, as it grows in territory and numbers of believers, fall subject to decentralization and geographical customization of the beliefs and rituals and prayers, especially in the large timespan before airplanes and TV and the Internet were invented. It's another reason in my opinion, to get modern muslims to acknowledge the reality that you've already seperated into the Sunni and Shia faiths, and that to prevent oppression by foreign powers / foreign religions, muslims themselves had best start tolerating their inter-muslim differences and unite (in peaceful ways!) against foreign pressure.
The most important key to stopping the inter-muslim violence is for muslims to realize that their drives for inter-muslim-revenge and dominance of their own muslim flavor over the other islamic flavors, will only bring more suffering to muslims in the future. The current numbers of Shia and Sunni believers will see to that by itself. Not giving in to desires for revenge and dominance are in my opinion for sure the fastest way to true muslim prosperity and true international respect.

Moral of this story.
What should the peoples of Eastern-Europe do to prevent being abused by either Russia or NATO? What should the muslims do to prevent being abused by The West?
Smaller nations and regional-leader-nations are best of making true friends with all sides, and resisting divide-and-conquer/contain strategies and tactics by superpowers even if it means having limited military and economic backing. Proving that it is still possible to run a small country on internal economy primarily, is the key to this. This is the only way to prevent your smaller-country-region from being turned into a proxy war zone (like Syria is at the moment) at some point or other, for the superpowers do not play nice in this era of my lifetime.
At the basic level of human relationship; between mother & child, brothers & sisters, husbands & wives, conflicts are not uncommon, what more for nations consumed in the ebb & flow of history.
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