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that must be banned dreaming of peace and makign guns like candies can not be together
that must be banned dreaming of peace and makign guns like candies can not be together
why not. Their are people in America that make their own miniguns. Whatever you make is yours. The right to bear arms is the most fundamental right of all human beings. In a democracy you can have all kinds of checks on peoples power but an armed population is the final and uncorreptable check.
why not. Their are people in America that make their own miniguns. Whatever you make is yours. The right to bear arms is the most fundamental right of all human beings. In a democracy you can have all kinds of checks on peoples power but an armed population is the final and uncorreptable check.
ahaan thats why both tribal areas and USA have more gun violence then other places . less the guns less the violence .
Hopefully tourism will bring in revenue which would enable more research and refinement of these versions of the infamous weapon.
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ahaan thats why both tribal areas and USA have more gun violence then other places . less the guns less the violence .
Guns save more lives then they take. And just because it kills people doesn't mean you can take away the right to have it from everyone. of course where their are more guns their will be more gun violence. but guns stop most kinds of violence because it makes people think twice before mugging or robing with a knife.
The A.K. series is a great design but there are other models that are very popular both as sporting and self defense weapons. One such, is the Simonov SKS , which uses the same 7.62 X 39 round that the AKM uses.
The SKS is great weapon with accurate long range semi-automatic fire.
Norinco makes a fairly reliable version of the Simonov though of course it is no where close in finish and looks as the original Soviet version.

The Wah ordinance works should get involved, testing, and proofing the barrels of all weapons made in the unorganized sector. All the ballistic components such as the barrel, receiver, bolt carriers, gas pistons, trigger and sear group, and the safety need to be inspected, and to be proofed. Serial numbers would also help.
National Rifle Club.
How about a national rifle club for Pakistan to promote firearms proficiency in the Pakistani population. Darra Adam Khel would be part of the national rifle club.
We no longer have an NCC or UTC so the next best thing would be a National Rifle Club. In the " good old days " the NCC and UTC boys and girls would use the police and army firing ranges for practice on weekends. There is online footage of the 1965 era when girls and boys are seen practicing with 30-06 Springfield and Lee Enfield MK IV.

The artisans of Darra Adam Khel should be supported by engineers from the civil sector. Improving the testing would be a great step but the industry needs a facility for professional industry standards heat treatment, chrome deposition, jigs and fixtures manufacturing , and a Faro Arm or CMM unit. Establishing one common facility with all the above for the artisans would vastly improve the quality of the products.
Engineering Universities ( UET) could ask mechanical, metallurgical, and production engineering students to intern with the Darra Khel units helping them with engineering drawings, Solid Cad Models.
Skilled gunsmiths are a tremendous asset to any nation fighting a war.
An example:
The Sten Mk 2 was made in the UK with matching parts made at hundreds of different units with very basic manufacturing facilities, There were lawn mower manufacturing units, local garage and mechanics shops, machine shops, welding shops making gates and window grills. All pitched in with their own contribution to the sub-machine gun parts. What is important is that all the parts were manufactured to a controlled drawing and were inspected so when assembled they all fitted together and the Sten Guns all 4.6 million of them worked.
With an armed population it would have been hard to subjugate the UK .
In 1940-41 there was no internet, no CAD software or CAM/CNC machines. Inspecting parts and assuring interchangeability for 4.6 million sub-machine gun parts made at 100s of units was a feat .
But today we have these facilities. All that is needed is a policy to make use of this treasure of talent in Darra Adam Khel.
Guns save more lives then they take. And just because it kills people doesn't mean you can take away the right to have it from everyone. of course where their are more guns their will be more gun violence. but guns stop most kinds of violence because it makes people think twice before mugging or robing with a knife.
then why countries have no guns are more peaceful then those whom have guns sir . please check list of peaceful countries of world .
then why countries have no guns are more peaceful then those whom have guns sir . please check list of peaceful countries of world .
London murder rate is now higher then several countries. And how many murders take place in KSA. It's one of the most loaded with Guns. Even Canada has Guns and lots of them. Mostly handguns still GLOCK has 15 bullet magazine. They are not peaceful. Only thing is you don't hear about local crimes on their channels and newspapers.

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