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40 dead in a week: Violence across Pakistan raises fears for elections


Jan 3, 2010
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40 dead in a week: Violence across Pakistan raises fears for elections – The Express Tribune

ISLAMABAD: A surge of violence in northwest Pakistan culminating in the assassination of a senior provincial minister has raised fears of a renewed Taliban campaign that could threaten national elections, analysts say.
The province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the adjacent Federally-Administered Tribal Areas, which border Afghanistan, are on the frontline of the country’s battle against Islamist militancy and are no strangers to violence.
But the past week has seen a noticeable rise in bloodshed, with more than 40 people killed in near-daily attacks. These culminated in Saturday’s suicide bombing at a meeting of the Awami National Party (ANP) in Peshawar, the province’s main city.
The blast, which killed nine including provincial number two Bashir Bilour, was claimed by the Pakistani Taliban, who said the minister was targeted in revenge for the death of one of the movement’s “elders”.
The surge of violence began on December 15 with a spectacular commando-style Taliban attack on Peshawar airport and also featured a car bomb near a local government office in Khyber tribal district that killed 21 people.
“The spate of attacks in recent days indicates the Taliban are on a major onslaught to destabilise the country and create chaos to shake people’s faith in the state apparatus,” political analyst and author Hasan Askari told AFP.
“It’s part of their broader agenda to undermine the credibility of government and prove that the state apparatus is crumbling.”
For the Taliban, killing a high-profile and outspoken critic such as Bilour has a double effect, Askari said: silencing an experienced and fearless adversary and striking fear into those who might think of following in his footsteps.
The coalition government led by the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) — which also includes the ANP — will complete its five-year term in March and insists elections will be held on time.
But no date has yet been announced for polls and there are rumours the ballot could be postponed if the security situation is deemed too precarious.
Retired Lieutenant General Talat Masood, a security and political analyst, said the Taliban were stepping up their assaults on political and military targets precisely to create this kind of anarchy.
“They will try to disrupt elections because they can flourish when the state is weak — there is a political vacuum and then people lose confidence in the government,” he told AFP.
If elections go ahead successfully it will be the first time in Pakistan’s turbulent history that an elected civilian government has completed a five-year term. Both Askari and Masood said the government would find it difficult to delay the vote, paving the way for a bloody campaign period.
Thursday is the fifth anniversary of the assassination of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto, killed in a gun and suicide attack in the garrison city of Rawalpindi after addressing an election rally.
Brigadier Saad Khan, a former officer with the powerful Inter-Services Intelligence agency, warned the Taliban may continue their campaign with an attack on events marking the anniversary. These include a major speech by her son Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, the PPP chairman.
Khan described the security situation as grave, saying the militants were “waging a war for Peshawar”. He compared it to the state of affairs before a major military offensive against militant hideouts and training camps in South Waziristan in 2009.
“The militants are moving with a plan (of) how and where to attack. They put pressure at one place and move to another,” he said.
“It is a dynamic enemy and we are static. We are reactive they are proactive.”
He criticised the current strategy for dealing with the militants as “half-hearted” and urged a more concerted effort to defeat them.

No thief culprit can penetrate and steal your precious things Till your own closed one involved or give him a way ,its easy to blame raw, khad ,mossad CIA Taliban '' In real if Pakistani government wants even a mosquito cant fly without there permission, compare india, Russia ,china, Europe, scandinavian countries ,america, why there is lot peace? because there leaders and officials are determined and sincere with their country, and their nation, BUT UN FORTUNATELY VERY BAD LUCK with Pakistan Where 90% budget is wasted on police army and corrupt politicians but they still fail to bring peace, control law and order situation and politics for Pakistani politicians is dining room family politics first father then sons ,Same old corrupt patwari thanedar culture, most politicians kids busy in availing all luxury abroad while roaming in Mercedes with full police protocol inside the country, where you tube is banned and restrictions on electronic print media AND people like Raymond Davis can kill any Pakistani any time ,Drone attacks ,suicide attacks ,bomb blasts, target killing, where wine alcohols are shared at the day when more people are died outside the VIP lounges, where price hikes, no cng ,no electricity, broken roads, no infrastructure, no jobs,leasing haram sood system in banks, no education, crime ratio, female abuse kidnapping ransom increased, no business, no investors, etc etc become a routine job and public is indulged in malala and other issues, to forget important things while there thirst for dollars increase more and more each day but dangerous parasite america there presence in Afghanistan for politicians become important, where NAB department instead to stop corruption is used for professional rivalry rather then chasing big fishes, revolution is impossible just by sitting in cozy rooms if the situation persist with sleepy nation these corrupt rulers will sell out all nukes even sell out Pakistan one day while same old politicians and there sons coming again to rule and eat Pakistan which ruled many times since long GOD BLESS PAKISTAN AND ITS NATION.
Pak Army wants to see elections & they want it to be held on time, it because of this Pakistan Army did not intervene in any political matters, they could had taken over whenever they got the chance but they did not.

If the Govt. fails to hold elections, which now seems highly likely that they will not hold the elections then there is no stopping Pakistan Army from taking over & INSHAALLAH I pray that they clean all this mess. Pakistan Army is very tired of corrupt politicians & their evil decisions which are always against Pakistan.
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