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27th anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine


Apr 8, 2014
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The military parade in the center of Kyiv, timed to the 27th anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine and the centennial of the revival of Ukrainian statehood, is taking place on Khreschatyk Street in Kyiv.

Solemn prayer was proclaimed for the Ukrainian army before the parade, after solemn lifting of the national flag.

The parade is attended by 4,500 Ukrainian servicemen, 250 units of military equipment, including new models of weapons and equipment that have already been adopted and those that are being tested by the state. Army aviation - about 30 fighters, ground attack aircraft, transport aircraft and helicopters will participate in the parade for the first time in recent years.

The innovation of this parade has become the change in the appeal of the defense minister to servicemen and their response to it. The Soviet military greetings have been changed from "Hello, comrades!" - "Greetings, comrades!" on "Glory to Ukraine!" - "Glory to the Heores!" After the greeting, servicemen say "Glory!"

The parade is commanded by Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak.

The parade is hosted by the President of Ukraine, the supreme commander-in-chief Petro Poroshenko.

Eighteen foreign delegations from different countries of the world also participate in the parade, including ceremonial teams of units from Great Britain, U.S., Canada, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Romania, Moldova and color companies from Georgia, Latvia, Denmark, Poland and, multinational brigade LitPolUkrbrig.

Thousands of Kyiv residents and guests of the capital gathered on both sides of Khreschatyk Street.

The U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton is among the VIP guests.

At the 13th meeting of the heads of foreign diplomatic institutions of Ukraine, President Petro Poroshenko congratulated those present on the 27th anniversary of Independence of our country and noted that the Ukrainian state was able to create a new Ukrainian army and a new diplomatic army that defend the country.

According to the Head of State, for those who had an opportunity to see with their own eyes a new Ukrainian army during the military parade on Khreshchatyk — it was something special.

“It was the first time I saw many people crying. Those were tears of pride. Pride for the Ukrainian army, pride for the Ukrainian soldier. Pride for the fact that we managed to create a new Ukrainian army. Just as we managed to create a new diplomatic army together with you,” Petro Poroshenko noted.

The President noted that on the eve of the current meeting, he was in the Donbas, in Avdiivka together with Ukrainian diplomats, and this was one of the brightest moments of all thirteen meetings of the heads of foreign diplomatic institutions.

“It is true, we were very proud to see our brave Ukrainian warriors marching on Khreshchatyk. I can surely say that you, our diplomatic representatives, are a reliable foothold for them. Just as the Ukrainian army defends the values of Euro-Atlantic integration and unity on the eastern border, Ukrainian diplomats defend justice, freedom, truth in a struggle on the international frontline,” the President emphasized.

According to the President, the term “hybrid war” has become quite commonplace for all. “I think we need to say more convincingly that this is a humanitarian aggression with an attempt to undermine the country from the inside. This is an economic aggression. I am confident that the reaction of the country and the the world should be appropriate,” Petro Poroshenko said.

According to the Head of State, that is why the visit of the heads of foreign diplomatic institutions of Ukraine to the frontline was so important. “Your visit was perceived by the Ukrainian military as a manifestation of solidarity,” Petro Poroshenko emphasized.

According to him, it was equally important that Ukrainian diplomats had an opportunity to speak to generals and ordinary commanders, soldiers about the life in the Donbas. “To see with your own eyes how our fellow citizens live in the frontline zone. Because you arrived for a short time, and imagine that Ukrainians have lived in a wartime for four and a half years already,” the Head of State.

He also noted that the Ukrainian ambassadors had an opportunity to walk the streets, talk with the locals and make sure that these are fantastic people.


President Petro Poroshenko drew attention of the Ukrainian diplomats to the importance of developing and increasing the effectiveness of Ukraine’s cooperation with international partners in the military-technical sphere. The Head of State said this at the 13th meeting of heads of foreign diplomatic institutions of Ukraine.

According to him, it is symbolic that the celebration of the Independence Day among sincere friends and reliable allies of Ukraine has already become a good tradition.

“I cannot imagine a better proof of solidarity with Ukraine than the presence of our partners’ flags on the parade in Kyiv on the occasion of the Independence Day. After all, Russia is afraid of a strong Ukraine, which is supported by loyal allies,” the President said.

Petro Poroshenko added that Russian channels were spluttering that the boot of NATO tramples the Ukrainian Khreshchatyk, that Americans finally marched in the capital of Ukraine. They thought that such assessments are offensive. “In reality, the reaction was completely different,” he said. According to the President, it was demonstrated when our partners marched on Khreshchatyk in a different uniform, under different flags, but in a single unity and solidarity with Ukraine.

The President also noted that a few days ago, National Security Advisor of the United States John Bolton had visited Kyiv. “Without exaggeration, dialogue between Kyiv and Washington, I want to emphasize separately, has never been as intense, as fruitful as today. The only decision of the President of the United States to finally give Ukraine defensive lethal weapons is a vivid evidence. You also had an opportunity to see them at the military parade. This is not only the result of an incredible volume of diplomatic work, but also the best evidence that there is an extremely high level of trust between Kyiv and Washington,” the Head of State said.

The President addressed the diplomats: “This should serve as a benchmark for the further expansion of cooperation with the countries that can make an important contribution to our security. It is the military-technical sphere that should become one of your main priorities”.

The Head of State explained that it is about obtaining defensive weapons and those components that are not produced in Ukraine yet.

“But it is equally important that the Ukrainian military-industrial complex today can offer our partners modern samples of high-precision weapons that are fully manufactured in Ukraine. Because Russia has not only closed its entire market for us and Russia’s share in our foreign trade has fallen from 33% to 9%. All cooperation was closed from the first day, or even before the aggression. And for me it’s extremely important that our industry’s titanic efforts made those samples, some of which you saw on the parade of troops,” he said.

According to him, it is very important to be able to receive components from partner countries. “I strongly urge you to help our special exporters, to provide the necessary assistance for the development of new markets in supplying Ukrainian products of the defense industrial complex,” Petro Poroshenko said.

“I would like to immediately bust the Russian myth. We are not armed for fighting, but we will never allow the enemy to trample our land. We will fight, we will liberate. Including in political and diplomatic ways, where the main workload falls on your shoulders. We are strengthening our military potential, as the aggressor country is next to us and it is capable of any challenge to the European and world security system,” the President said.

At the same time, he stressed that we are planning to return Crimea and part of the Donbas by political and diplomatic means. “After all, the Minsk agreements have already brought benefits to Ukraine — we managed not only to stop the active phase of the Russian offensive, but also to achieve sanctions against Moscow in view of their systematic non-fulfillment of the Minsk agreements. In addition, we managed to win time to build the army, you see the distance we passed to strengthen our defense capability,” the Head of State added.

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