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26/11: Abu Jindal confesses role, links with Hafiz Saeed

Che Guevara

Apr 13, 2011
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New Delhi: Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorist Abu Jindal, who is in Delhi Police's custody, has confessed his active role in the Mumbai attacks, saying that Jamaat-ud-Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed was present in the Karachi control room when the 26/11 masterminds choreographed the carnage.
During the interrogation, Abu Jindal has admitted to handling the attack on Nariman House during 26/11, IB sources told CNN-IBN. He has admitted that he was in the Karachi control room under the guidance of Saeed.
CNN-IBN has accessed details of Jindal's confession to the police. Jindal allegedly told the police that he was the one who trained the 10 terrorists.
Delhi police will keep Abu Jindal in custody till July 5. They are likely to seek remand and extend his custody till July 20.
As per the details, Jindal was someone who was actually involved in guiding and directing the terrorists at every step during the Mumbai attack. Jindal has also admitted of travelling with Ajmal Kasab and other terrorists on the same boat to the Indian border.
The other crucial detail that the police have been questioning is that of his involvement in the activities of the Indian Mujahideen and his role in the Jama Masjid (New Delhi), German Bakery (Pune) and the Chinnaswamy stadium blast (Bangalore).
Sources say that the operation to nab Jindal was going on for the last several months and he was detained in Saudi Arabia in the first week of June. A team of Delhi Police and IB officials travelled to Saudi Arabia to bring him back to India.
According to officials, Jindal was one of the five handlers present in the control room in Karachi. He was directing terrorists carrying out the Mumbai attacks at every step.
Jindal was also responsible for weapon training the terrorists and familiarising them with the Hindi language.
He was involved in a blast in Ahmedabad in 2006 and the Aurangabad arms haul the same year. He was named in the 26/11 chargesheet and was considered one of the most wanted.
Kasab's testimony to Mumbai police names Jindal for seeing off the 10 attackers at Pakistan shore. Abu Hamza, Abu Qaafa and Lakhvi were the others.
After the Aurangabad arms haul, Abu Jindal fled to Pakistan. There he became closely involved with the activities of the LeT and eventually started working towards plotting the 26/11 attacks. The Mumbai crime branch which is probing the attack will now be taking a voice sample to further confirm that he indeed was one of the handlers.
Quite contrary to high profile busts, the Delhi Police did not disclose much and stayed mum in this case. Sources said this was an operation managed at a diplomatic level and involved many central agencies.
Abu Jindal was an important LeT operative handling the groups operations in India. His arrest will be crucial not only for taking investigations into the Mumbai attacks forward but also for our agencies to find out the current structure, reach and plans of Pakistan-based terror groups. What they will also focus on is to find out what he was doing in Saudi Arabia for the last several months.

26/11: Abu Jindal confesses role, links with Hafiz Saeed - India News - IBNLive
maro be********d koo, these people should be hanged. they killed innocent indians openly, lets burn them openly.
In HS's case why was there a Karachi control room? Wouldn't it be more convenient for him to use Punjab?

Anyway basic corroboration can be done, was HS even in Karachi at that time?
Ok, I don't mean to troll, but really GTFO.
Why you Pakistani love terrorist?

In HS's case why was there a Karachi control room? Wouldn't it be more convenient for him to use Punjab?

Anyway basic corroboration can be done, was HS even in Karachi at that time?

Abu Jindal was in control room and he confess Hafiz Saeed presence in the control room.
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(1)Two of alleged "Pakistani" terrorists talking in typical "Indian" accent. Like one says "كهالى"(meaning "empty") which is typical of Indian accent to pronunce "خالى" as "كهالى".

"Khali ho giya hay nahi toe char-panch soo admi ko mar daltay"... how real :rofl:

YouTube- mumbai terror attack( terrorist says he wants to live)

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(2)Actor screems long after last shot was fired ...&... just before bringing his "bleeding" hand in front of camera.
Then keeps running around showing his hand to cameramen to get it maximum coverage.
Someone pulls actor by arm to bring his hand in camera's view. so that camera can have a better shot.
YouTube - Mumbai Militants Drive-By Shooting - 30 sec of horror caught on tape

Another actor with painless-plastered hand that he chose to move while explaining ... :)

= = = = = = = = = = = =

(3) Asian Tribune:- India, Backed By Mosaad & CIA, Plans To Attack Pakistan Nuclear Installations Using Taliban
Circumstantial evidences and confession of Baitullah’s ex-aides (Haji Turkistan and slain Qari Zainuddin) had confirmed that TTP is much more than what appears in the world media ... that TTP is foreign funded proxy force operating inside Pakistan to fulfill agenda of Pakistan ’s enemies ... CIA and its agents in international media are building a case against Pakistani nuclear weapons advocating the notion that these might fall into wrong hands ... During recent operation in Malakand and FATA bodies of dead Afghan nationalists (Most probably trained by same Indian and Israeli instructors) were recovered. ... ISI provided information about Baitullah’s whereabouts, at least twice in May 2008, but CIA never attacked his hideouts. Now when Pakistan army has decided to take him out at its own, CIA has suddenly discovered that he is the biggest enemy of US. ...

& indeed!!!It's India via it's 18 consulates in Afghanistan with help from CIA, MI-6 & ofcourse Mosad. Using & buying poor Afghanis & some fenatic Pakistanis to carry-out these bombings.

& an example of such disguised agents was British agents caught by Iraqi police dressed as terrorists & shooting at innocent civilians.


& to keep anymore of their secrets from getting exposed, British forces raided Iraqi jail & freed their secret agents.



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In HS's case why was there a Karachi control room? Wouldn't it be more convenient for him to use Punjab?

(4) It was alleged that ALL terrorists came from Pakistan via sea on a boat. Listen to this terrorist he himself said he was from Indian Haiderabad-Dakan & NOT from Pakistani Haiderabad.

YouTube- India TV Showing False News About Mumbai Terror Attack,

Listen to this another terrorist speaking in typical Indian accent & speaking words of Hindi:-Terrorist calling himself Imran Babar speaks to India tv:


Example of hindi words he spoke are:-(This is NOT the Pakistani language)
shanti, pershasin, pariwar, itihaas, seena, aatink-waad etc.

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(5)Satelite phone caughtYouTube - Phone Shows Pakistani Numbers Dialled - Mumbai Attacks

I don't see any hint of these Phone #s being Pakistani......!!!!!

(Listen to newscaster saying "These numbers go back to Pakistan Jalalabad......"WHAT????? Jalalabad is in Afghanistan knuckle head.)
Where's the city & country codes??? Lets Suppose this phone doesn't show country/city codes......
Karachi & Lahore numbers were 7-digit numbers when these attacks happened. While numbers on this satellite-phone screen are 8-digited. Karachi's & Lahore's numbers are made 8-digited starting from July-1st-2009. Even then 7-digits numbers will keep working from July-1 till Sep-30-2009(Link).

If someone is thinking these might be cell phone #s....!! Pakistani cell phone numbers are like this 0123-1234567 i.e., they are 11 digits in total & if u exclude company code(0123) then they are 7-digited.
While Mumbai(India) #s were switched to 8-digits in 2002......(Link)
As r the #s on phone, while allegedly being of Jalalabad...!!!

= = = = = = = = = = = =

(6)u heard terrorist in video in above post that they had grudge against Indian attrosities like Gujrat Massacre & Babri Mosque, that's why they were doing this......
.......While this eye-witness tells they had grudge against America & Britian..... & they were looking for someone with british or american passports..... Similarly they choose to attack Jewish center.

YouTube - #2 mumbai under attack, Attackers were looking for British, Americans Witness-News

Actually these were indian agents trying to get USA/UK/Israel turn against pakistan & to get their sympathies.
Also notice that above eyewitness & this one both Britishers are having their faces blackened with somesort of soot or make-up may be.....!!!! Too much stress by media on witnesses being Foeigners,,,
YouTube - Mumbai eyewitness says gunmen did not look like typical Islamic terrorist
Almost every proof on earth is easily deniable if the government of the country does not have intention of helping. It is not difficult to fabricate that HS was not in Karachi. Going by past treand where GOP is lied to the teeth. I will not be surprised if they cook something.
US might have coerced Saudi Officials to give up Abu Jindal. Just another way to tighten the screw on Pakistan maybe?

Its quite sad that the US even after knowing quite a lot about the 26/11 attacks doesn't divulge everything, and is rather using the information as bargaining chips.
People who are biased and respond based on member flag will not get it.
I can see clearly people are still out there who are differentiating terrorism as good and bad...I (or we) cant do anything to change mentality of those but surely I can wait (as I (or we) have been since long and our Govt make us to) to see that terrorism is a snake which will eventually kiss his masters a$$ and then we will talk.

regarding alibi (though it is a cute thought) of HS ...when the GOP can deny kasab's nationality this is not a big task to achieve.

my 2 paise at ur service.
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