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1st China International Import Expo (CIIE)


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Ministry of Commerce & Industry
05-November, 2018 15:15 IST
India’s country pavilion at China International Import Expo in Shanghai showcases India’s strength

On the invitation of China’s Ministry of Commerce, India has set up a Country Pavilion in the 1st China International Import Expo (CIIE) which was inaugurated today at the National Exhibition & Convention Centre, Shanghai, China. During the Joint Economic Group Meeting held in Delhi in March 2018, China’s Commerce Minister Mr Zhong Shan had extended an invitation to participate in this event.

The Ministry of Commerce, in consultation with the Embassy of India in Beijing decided to showcase areas where India has proven strength with significant global presence, and there are good prospects for further more market access in China. In this background, India’s country pavilion has focussed on key sectors such as food and agro products, pharmaceuticals, IT & ITES, tourism and services sector. These four areas represent very minuscule Indian presence in China contrary to India’s strength and overall global presence. Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO) is the lead agency for the India Country Pavilion in CIIE, Shanghai along with other stakeholders like Ministry of Tourism, APEDA, NAFED, MPEDA, Pharmexcil, Electronics and Software Export Promotion Council to showcase India’s strength in these diverse areas. The Consulate General of India in Shanghai has extended all local support.

China is India's largest trading partner with a total trade expecting to reach $ 100 billion mark in near future. Both countries have expressed a resolve to address India’s concern regarding large trade deficit with China.

Government of India is consistently making sincere efforts to promote its exports to China. This has been achieved through various bilateral meetings at the government level and continuous engagement of Indian businessmen with China. Recently the Embassy of India in Beijing and Consulates in Shanghai and Guangzhou had organised a series of business promotion and buyer seller meets covering products like sugar, tea, rice, oil meals and pharmaceuticals which received encouraging participation from Chinese importers.

Commerce Secretary,Dr.AnupWadhawan visited and inaugurated India pavilion today. He will hold a bilateral meeting with China’s Vice Minister for Commerceon 6th November. Dr.Wadhawan will also hold meetings with major sugar importers.



Ministry of Commerce & Industry
06-November, 2018 15:04 IST
Commerce Secretary pitches for balanced India-China Trade

Commerce Secretary,Dr. Anup Wadhawan, had a bilateral meeting with Mr. Wang Shouwen, Vice Minister of China’s Commerce Minister, today in Shanghai. The Commerce Secretary was accompanied by senior officials from Department of Commerce, Department of Food and Public Distributionand officials from Embassy of India in Beijing and Consulate in Shanghai. The Indian delegation on this visit included Chairman APEDA, MD NAFED, DG FIEO, DG Pharmexcil.

The Commerce Secretary while expressing concern regarding the large trade deficit, acknowledged Chinese Government’s efforts in clearing some of the market access issues such as for rice and rapeseed meal during the past few months and expressed satisfaction over progress on soya bean meal and pomegranate and related issues. He also informed Mr. Wang about the encouraging response to the business promotion events organized by the Indian Embassy and Consulates covering products like sugar, rice, tea and oil meals.Dr. Wadhawan requested Mr. Wang to provide MOFCOM’s guidance to its importers to source these products from India.

The Commerce Secretaryinformed that areas like agriculture products, pharmaceuticals, information technology services and tourism in which India has proven strengths and significant global presence but minuscule presence in China, need to be encouraged in bilateral trade. Dr. Wadhawan asked for guidance, facilitation, support and assistance to the relevant stakeholders for creating a suitable environment for India’s exports in these sectors to China.

MOFCOM thanked India for accepting its invitation to participate in the 1st CIIE and assured all support for increasing India’s exports to China.

Recently India and China had a series of official level exchanges to discuss the bilateral trade issues. After the successful Joint Economic Group meeting hosted by India’s Commerce Minister in March 2018 and attended by China’s Commerce Minister, both countries had two rounds of dialogues at the official level leading to resolution of some of the pending market access issues.

During this visit, the Commerce Secretary also had a detailed discussion with important sugar importers of China including China Sugar Association and briefed them about India’s sugar sector and its proven available capacity in terms of both, quality as well as quantity, to meet the Chinese requirements on a sustained long term basis.Important players from Indian sugar industry including MD, NFCSF also attended related meetings during the visit. These meetings would be helpful in tapping this major import market for Indian sugar.

On 4th November the Commerce secretary attended the banquet hosted by China’s president Xi Jinping on the eve of opening of the CIIE and on 5th November he attended the inaugural ceremony of the expo.



Ministry of Commerce & Industry
08-November, 2018 16:00 IST
Sugar exports from India to China to begin soon

Export of raw sugar from India to China willbegin early next year. A contract for exporting 15,000tonnes of raw sugar has been entered to by the Indian Sugar Mills Association (ISMA) and COFCO, a Government of China run public sector company.

This is due to the initiative taken by the Ministry of Commerce and several rounds of meetings held by officials of both countries the import of raw sugar has materialized now.

India plans to export 2 MT of raw sugar to China beginning from next year. Raw sugar is the second product after non-basmati rice that China will import from India. It is a move to reduce the USD 60 billion trade deficit that China has with India. India’s export to China in 2017-18 amounted to USD 33 billion while imports from China stood at USD 76.2 billion.

India is the largest producer of sugar in the world with 32 MMT production in 2018. India produces sugar of all three grades- raw, refined and white. Indian sugar is also of a high quality and is Dextran free because of the minimum time taken from cut to crush. India is in a position to become a regular and dependable exporter of high quality sugar in significant volumes to China.



13-November, 2018 17:42 IST
2nd Startup Investment Seminar in Beijing

China in partnership with Startup Association and Venture organized 2nd Startup Investment Seminar on 12 November 2018 in Beijing for fostering innovation and entrepreneurship among youth.The 1st Startup Investment event was organised in November 2017.

The event was planned to expose Chinese VCs and investors to the promising startups and also help startups to reach out to the large Chinese investors for receiving investment for their companies. Forty-two entrepreneurs representing 20 startups participated in the event and pitched before Chinese investors to make investments in their ventures. More than 350 Chinese Venture Capital (VC) funds, investors participated in a day long pitching session and seminar.

In the 1st Startup Investment seminar, 12 startups participated of which 4 secured funding from Chinese VCs of USD15 million. In the current round 8 startups out of 20 participants are set to get commitment of around USD 30 million.

Mr Zheng Bin, CEO of ICBC shared ICBC’s experience gave an overview of the startup ecosystem and explained the process of investment. He also informed that ICBC has established a USD200 million fund for investing in promising MSMEs and ventures.

A panel discussion was also organised to discuss effective strategy for Chinese VCs to enter the startup market and share their experiences about the startup ecosystem.


Ministry of Commerce & Industry
28-November, 2018 19:14 IST
Republic of India to export fish meal and fishoil to China

Protocol signed today


Commerce Secretary and Vice Minister of China shaking hands after signing of protocol

The Vice Minister, General Administration of Customs of China (GACC), Hu Wei, led a six-member delegation to India to discuss various issues of market access for different productslikemilk and milk products, agricultural products like soy meal, fruits and vegetables, tobacco and pharmaceutical products for which India has been seeking market access from China. Departments of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Agriculture Cooperation and Farmers Welfare and Health and Family Welfare and associated agencies participated in the meetingheld today in New Delhi. The meeting was coordinated by the Department of Commerce.

Both the Indian and Chinese sides appreciated each other’s concerns and agreed to resolve the market access issues expeditiously to achieve the vision of the leaders of both the countries by promoting a more balanced trade.

A protocol on Hygiene and Inspection requirements for the export of Fish Meal and Fish Oil from India to China was signed today. The signing of Protocol formalises the consensus reached by both sides on hygiene and inspection requirements of fish meal and fish oil to be exported from India to China, and will enable India to commence export of fish meal and fish oil to China.

China imports fish oil to the tune of USD 143.29 million, and fish meal to the tune of USD 263.43 million, and signing of the protocol between the two countries paves the way for export of Indian fish oil and fish meal to China.

In the last 6 months this is the second product to get clearance from China. A few months ago, during the meeting of two leaders in Wuhan, the protocol for Indian rice export to China was signed paving the way for export of Indian rice to China.




The Commerce Secretary, Dr. Anup Wadhawan and the Vice Minister, General Administration of Customs, People’s Republic of China, Mr. Hu Wei in a meeting, in New Delhi on November 28, 2018.


The Commerce Secretary, Dr. Anup Wadhawan and the Vice Minister, General Administration of Customs, People’s Republic of China, Mr. Hu Wei exchanging the documents, in New Delhi on November 28, 2018.


The Commerce Secretary, Dr. Anup Wadhawan with the Vice Minister, General Administration of Customs, People’s Republic of China, Mr. Hu Wei during a meeting, in New Delhi on November 28, 2018.

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