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1982 Falklands / Marianas war. Argentina's failed bid to take Britain's islands.

Oct 15, 2017
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The crucial mistake Argentina made was taking the battle to a global super power without the necessary defense industry in place. They only had like 5 Exocet missiles from France. It is against UN charter for 1 member state to annex part of another member state by force. So France had to freeze all arms contracts it had with Argentina.

The crucial mistake Argentina made was taking the battle to a global super power without the necessary defense industry in place. They only had like 5 Exocet missiles from France. It is against UN charter for 1 member state to annex part of another member state by force. So France had to freeze all arms contracts it had with Argentina.

One of my school chums fought in this war. Came back safely but recieved terrible injuries in a IRA ambush in late 1980s Ulster.
. .
Did you personally see the injury or was he exaggerating?
Well, I was not there obviously but I saw him walking on a prosthetic leg and he had been discharged. He told me his patrol was ambushed when a bomb went off. He was in a soft skin land rover that took the brunt. So conclusion it must have been terrible. Exaggeration notwithstanding.
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