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‘World’s biggest economic activity centres on Pakistan’


May 17, 2015
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ZIARAT: Commander Southern Command Lieutenant General Amir Riaz said on Sunday that biggest economic activity of the world was going to happen in Pakistan.

Addressing the flag hoisting ceremony in connection with the 70th Independence Day at the Ziarat Residency, he said: “No doubt, Pakistan is like a thorn in the eyes of its enemies who know that it is a large country of 200 million people with such abundant resources and is placed where the world’s biggest economic and trade activity is going to happen. They also know that it is fast becoming an Islamic welfare state and other nations wherever they are located will benefit from Pakistan. This gets on the nerves of our foes, who will attack us (through terrorism),” he said.

“I want to make clear what is my job as a soldier — to defend a society where whenever any power tried or will attempt to impose its style of system with force and might. The Pakistani nation from Gilgit-Baltistan to Makran coast has and will counter it and Pakistan Army will stand with the people shoulder to shoulder. We will fight for your political, economic and social freedom and Pakistan will be successful,” he said

Amir Riaz also made some more inspiring remarks: “Pakistan was to have such a society where there are equal rights, equal opportunities for everybody, for my children and for your children; where merit is the order of the day; and where the good ones will progress and those who are left behind are supported to be dragged ahead. Such a society is to be established, which it will be, God willing … many people feel embarrassed sayingPakistan is to become an Islamic welfare state and only state that it is to become is a welfare state. You should know that the contemporary concept of welfare state took birth during Hazrat Umar’s time and there was time when the Englishmen used to describe it as the Umar Law. So there is nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of; when you say Pakistan is to become an Islamic welfare state (it means) where your rights will be secure, your freedom will be secure, your way of life will be secure.”

Agencies add: Commander Southern Command Lieutenant General Amir Riaz said on Sunday the enemies of Pakistan can’t digest progress and prosperity of the country, which has made them upset. That is why they are constantly hatching conspiracies against Pakistan and creating law and order situation in the country.

He said, “The enemy has brought grief to us but it could not break our unity.” He said the enemies could not defeat the spirit of Pakistan, its belief and its people.

Riaz said the Pakistan Army was standing side by side with the nation for the sake of political and social freedom. “Those who raised weapons can return if they want to,” said Gen Riaz. “Those who caused damage to Pakistan and who are sitting outside, if they return even today and raise the slogan of Pakistan Zindabad, we will welcome them,” he said.

Amir Riaz said the country was making progress in all fields of life swiftly. He, however, categorically said that the enemies of Pakistan would never succeed in their evil designs and with the grace of Allah Almighty Pakistan will emerge on the globe as an advanced country from every aspect.

General Aamir Riaz vowed to weed out terrorism from Pakistan especially Balochistan at all costs. He added that terrorists would never be allowed to shed the blood of innocent people. He also made it clear that we will never bow before the coward acts of terrorists.
Source: https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/142569-Worlds-biggest-economic-activity-centres-on-Pakistan
Great words. PAKISTAN Zindabad. Growing faster than ever.

" No doubt, Pakistan is like a thorn in the eyes of its enemies who know that it is a large country of 200 million people with such abundant resources and is placed where the world’s biggest economic and trade activity is going to happen. They also know that it is fast becoming an Islamic welfare state and other nations wherever they are located will benefit from Pakistan. This gets on the nerves of our foes, who will attack us (through terrorism)." Commander Amir Riaz
Wow! I have no real idea what he is talking about. "Islamic welfare state"? whatever does that mean? Free food for everyone? Do Pakistani Christians get all the free stuff, too? Does that mean that polio can now be eradicated without the health workers who are trying to do so being killed?
world biggest economic activity? wth it means? considering Pakistan economic weight today, thats statement is too bold

a much and more of economic activities happened in Singapore than in Pakistan
world biggest economic activity? wth it means? considering Pakistan economic weight today, thats statement is too bold

a much and more of economic activities happened in Singapore than in Pakistan

Statements to please the "awaam"(public)
world biggest economic activity? wth it means? considering Pakistan economic weight today, thats statement is too bold

a much and more of economic activities happened in Singapore than in Pakistan
You are just jealous and that's why spewing hot puffs and vitiating the whole atmosphere.
You are just jealous and that's why spewing hot puffs and vitiating the whole atmosphere.

not jealous, for what? i am one of the non sense type gals

what kind of scientific measurement this general had to backing up his statement? Pakistan current GDP stands at around 320 billion US dollar and grow at around 5 percent rate a year in the most optimistic accounts, the region economic wheigts is not much promising either given bad relations u had with India and the far distances between Pakistan and China east coast (in which most of China economic activity happened here).
Wow! I have no real idea what he is talking about. "Islamic welfare state"? whatever does that mean? Free food for everyone? Do Pakistani Christians get all the free stuff, too? Does that mean that polio can now be eradicated without the health workers who are trying to do so being killed?

Free food for everyone? Do Pakistani Christians get all the free stuff, too? ..... Yes...

...without the health workers who are trying to do so being killed?..... if you think killing polio workers is Islam.... Most don't.

"Tainted is the word Islam for this one"... Yoda
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