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  1. Chanakya

    Sex and the Gods worshipped by Hindus

    Looks like you forgot to give any refrence yet again . just another blabber claim . Carry On Kid .. looks like someone wants self pleasure . whats is the other word for that ?
  2. Chanakya

    Sex and the Gods worshipped by Hindus

    Dear Titanium , its important to study properly before u paste some random stuff . Looks like someone made fool out of you . I am pasting a link of Aranya Kandam Chapter 54 of Valmiki Ramayan with Englsh Translation Show me where is this LIne ? Valmiki Ramayana - Aranya...
  3. Chanakya

    Hazrat Ayesha's Age at Marriage.

    Sorry but u are justifying anarchy and buthery .. who and what will decide if that man who proclaims to be a man of god? there has been always inhuman massacre of gullible ppl in the name of prophet hood , so you mean to say its all right ? The Jonestown Massacre Cult...
  4. Chanakya

    Hazrat Ayesha's Age at Marriage.

    I will now attach all the ‘Aisha age’ hadiths, both sahih and less sahih, noting that there is NO CONTRADICTION in the sahih hadiths of Bukhari, Muslim and Ibn Majah, and also those of Abu Dawud. The only contradictions are with those of ‘lesser’ authenticity such as the works of Tabari.
  5. Chanakya

    Hazrat Ayesha's Age at Marriage.

    Moiz Amjad has presented a series of erudite and detailed arguments as to why the generally accepted ‘Sunni’ understanding of Aisha’s age (i.e. nine-years-old) when she married and had sex with Muhammad, based on commonly known narratives, is erroneous and contradictory...
  6. Chanakya

    Hazrat Ayesha's Age at Marriage.

    Plagiarism - the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work. Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006. I never...
  7. Chanakya

    Hazrat Ayesha's Age at Marriage.

    any claim of Prophet hood is varified by his ethical teaching and ethical behaviour and these ethical behaviour and teaching are relevant at all times and all places. This is what seperates Buddha from the others who proclaimed prophethood like , Heaven's Gate, Ordre du...
  8. Chanakya

    Hazrat Ayesha's Age at Marriage.

    Man ( more then 50 years ) marries a girl of 6 years - its not a mistake ? then what is it ? a devine life is One Example . any other life is a series of examples . Every human have shades of black white and grey .. every human lives in patches of good and bad...
  9. Chanakya

    Hazrat Ayesha's Age at Marriage.

    Aryan 2007 No , No one has right to behave unethical . no one is beyond humanity. prophethood is a claim which shall be proved by ethical behaviour . you cant justify unethical behaviour just because u calim to be divine. this will lead to anarchy and end of...
  10. Chanakya

    Hazrat Ayesha's Age at Marriage.

    No My dear I never claimed that these are my Point . But a truth remains truth whoever says it . Theory of Relativity doesnt changes or looses its validity if a Thief and Mudrer writes about it :) you didnt quote from other sources:taz::yahoo::bunny:
  11. Chanakya

    Hazrat Ayesha's Age at Marriage.

    No Ethical Behaviour is Universal and it doesnt change from time to time ... dont confuse morality with Ethics So you Agree that he is Prone to Mistake and his life cant be taken as example
  12. Chanakya

    Hazrat Ayesha's Age at Marriage.

    Cause and Effect Advaita believes that God is the cause and the universe its effect, but as the effect can't be different from the cause, God is immanent in whole universe. Vishishtha Advaita or qualified monism we can say he propounded Bhakti Yoga as the path to reach the Truth...
  13. Chanakya

    Hazrat Ayesha's Age at Marriage.

    Yes it is .. without ethics there cant be divinity . other wise any tom dick and harry can claim to be devine . Krishna and Arjuna were unethical in there behaviour during Mahabharata . they paid the price for it .
  14. Chanakya

    Hazrat Ayesha's Age at Marriage.

    I think you are confused between Morality and Ethics . Morality is relative . Ethics is universal . Divinity is based in Ethics not morality ,that's what separate cults from Faith
  15. Chanakya

    Hazrat Ayesha's Age at Marriage.

    No I wont , sorry enlightened souls shall be perfect in there ethical behaviour .. If he is also prone to ethical fallacies then how can I have full faith in him ?
  16. Chanakya

    Hazrat Ayesha's Age at Marriage.

    Yes we have learned and evolved But God and his divinity is always ethically correct .. and any one claiming to be his messenger shall lead with an example which should be and universal and ethically right for any time , any place. He shall be relevant to me in this time...
  17. Chanakya

    Who is a Hindu?

    hmmm u r becoming personal
  18. Chanakya

    Who is a Hindu?

    what's there in Name - look for the essence and its message . Respectful ? - do you know what it means .. look at your post and behaviour dude - where is the source ? and who said no one want here ?
  19. Chanakya

    Who is a Hindu?

    I told you dear , there is no definition of any faith .. and existence of sects in all the religions demonstrate that . which Point u couldn't understand ? discussion was going smooth till u started getting bitter and personal . Ugly feast ?? you mean u can get uglier then...
  20. Chanakya

    Dutch lawmaker planning film criticizing the Quran

    roadrunner Yes I do . and that law is in Himachal pradesh ( a state in India ) not in India . You didn't get the Point . it is directed towards the logic of conversion . if all the religions are peaceful and lead towards the same path then why ask someone to convert ?
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