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  1. retaxis

    Escape Indians Are Third Largest Illegal Nationals in USA.

    India will always be majority slums if everyone with a brain runs away from India first chance they get. Indians love to kiss a22 and be the diversity hire but hold no real power in anything unlike Jews. Fix ur own country up so that talent and skilled people don't leave ur country and bring...
  2. retaxis

    Turkish Minister of National Defense Yaşar Güler: We are considering purchasing 40 Eurofighter Typhoons

    Not in a million years buddy. You make toys that will get exposed in actual war. Ur first attempt at fighter jet is going to be equal to a 4th gen fighter jet at best like a JF-17. Can not compare to 4.5++ fighters like rafale and eurofighter.
  3. retaxis

    " You have problem with China? how many times you've been"? : David Haubert,Supervisor of Alameda County ,California

    Those East Asian countries failed because they work twice as hard and twice as many hours yet their gdp per capita is still below that of the West e.g. Taiwan /Korea. If they adoped an equal system they would reep what they sow and be awarded their actual contributions comparatively. Whats...
  4. retaxis

    India's GDP crosses $4 trillion for the first time, ranks fourth worldwide

    There aren't that many rich enough indians to leave India. Maids in india still make $500 a year for example. Maybe 20million indians are rich enough to leave and they go to America, Canada, Australia, NZ, UK, Singapore and HK as first destinations due to english.
  5. retaxis

    " You have problem with China? how many times you've been"? : David Haubert,Supervisor of Alameda County ,California

    democracy purpose is for the government to do right by people. However democracy for 3rd world country is an utter failure due to 1. democracy does not award leaders with doing a good job and 2. democracy does not punish leaders for doing a bad job. All a leader in a 3rd world democracy needs...
  6. retaxis

    India's GDP crosses $4 trillion for the first time, ranks fourth worldwide

    Indian elite and rich all leave India asap and that is why India has never fixed the slum population of which more than half a billion still live in slums. Anyone with money is going somewhere where there is less polution and violence/danger therefore India remains poor and lacking skills/capital.
  7. retaxis

    Iran 4th country with Hypersonic Technology

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tang_campaign_against_the_Eastern_Turks https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tang_campaigns_against_the_Western_Turks after conquering: The Tang emperor Taizong adopted the title of "Heavenly Kaghan" and promoted a cosmopolitan empire. Turkic soldiers that served under...
  8. retaxis

    This Chinese Startup Just Landed a Rocket Vertically

    China closed the gap so fast American trolls in full panic mode don't know where the nearest toilet is lol. At this rate america is going to be left in the dust but then again there 35Trillion debt doesn't help either with all their demographic and social political issues now space is not even...
  9. retaxis

    The debt trap narrative on China’s BRI is a myth – Paul Frimpong

    infrastructure provides services for potentially hundreds of years if given good maintenance. Evaluating if the money has been recouped is retarded since roads and rail roads etc provide a service for the country and provide logistic options for business. Infrastructure is not meant to turn a...
  10. retaxis

    Iran 4th country with Hypersonic Technology

    congrats Iran is like small China. Sanctioned by West but still able to produce devasting weapons. Iran and China got long history together and mutual respect and we should further relations.
  11. retaxis

    US life expectancy is at its lowest in 25 years - BBC NEWS

    The worst thing is that the US use to be 80% middle class and 10% upper and 10% lower class. Now the US has got rid of its middle class so its 20% upper rich class like musk and zuckerberg and anyone who owns more than 8million and 80% poor to very poor (just getting by). This means that the...
  12. retaxis

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    North Korea gets nukes and as a result massive sanctions Israel gets nukes and US gives them more money and military aid why is Israel allowed to get nukes and no punishment ?
  13. retaxis

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    lol Israel called china locking up a few terrorists as Genocide Then it goes and do this. Why is the west always so hypocritical? Its very dishonorable to say the least.
  14. retaxis

    Trump vows to kill Asia trade deal being pursued by Biden if elected

    USA going into civil war mode with trump re election. Think of the LGBT woke crowd who have dominated the media and the trump crazies. Further divisions and mass shootings and riots going to be happening everywhere constantly.
  15. retaxis

    India's GDP crosses $4 trillion for the first time, ranks fourth worldwide

    If capitalism is so easy then why don't everyone do it and be rich? China can return to anything it wants to because its really none of your business. You should worry more about Americans and Israelis dropping bombs on you while you defend Mossad and CIA lol
  16. retaxis

    JF-17 vs Tejas at Dubai Airshow

    So they order parts from other countries like India do? India been given blue prints and been stealing more than anyone but nothing to show for it You been given blueprints for all your soviet/russian planes from mig21 to su30mki and you can't even make any parts yourself. China got no blue...
  17. retaxis

    India's GDP crosses $4 trillion for the first time, ranks fourth worldwide

    Indian is caste slave society where hundreds of millions are not accessing hot water and living in slums. India is nothing like China as China is unified state for thousands of yrs and India is created by british so why is pakistan not prosperous?
  18. retaxis

    JF-17 vs Tejas at Dubai Airshow

    making a jet fighter from scratch like US/Rus/China is different from buying parts and assembling it together like India Everyone can go and buy parts for a computer and assemble it (india) but how many people can make all the parts including the GPU and CPU themselves?
  19. retaxis

    NAPOLEON - Official Trailer (HD)

    Are you not entertained????
  20. retaxis

    India's GDP crosses $4 trillion for the first time, ranks fourth worldwide

    Indians like to talk about what their gdp will be like in ten years time but don't want to do the work to get there. India was ahead of CHina in the 70s but China put in work and now 2 decades ahead. India needs to stop acting like its already a 30trillion economy and put in work to get there...
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