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  1. KKNDmx

    India's tea production up 8%; exports decline by 8% in July

    India's tea production up 8%; exports decline by 8% in July - NDTV Profit
  2. KKNDmx

    The "Yellow Parallel, um Peril" (With That Red One)

    Wednesday's Pentagon report on the Chinese military threat looks a lot like the 1980s' versions it issued on the Soviet Union - Battleland - TIME.com
  3. KKNDmx

    Sino-India bilateral trade maintains strong momentum into 2011

    This is a terrible news, how can we bash each other while the trade relationship is going so strong, the trolls on both sides must work twice as hard now :p
  4. KKNDmx

    Iranians sue Russians for refusal to supply missiles

    Why bother with it, just buy Chinese Missiles instead :)
  5. KKNDmx

    India banks fear rising bad loans

    India banks fear rising bad loans - FT.com
  6. KKNDmx

    India Inc struggles

    Business Line: India Inc struggles
  7. KKNDmx

    India's biggest killer

    India's Biggest Killer
  8. KKNDmx

    At least 41 killed in northern India road accident

    Channel 6 News » At least 41 killed in northern India road accident
  9. KKNDmx

    England beats India rises to No. 1 in world cricket

    England rises to No. 1 in world cricket - thestar.com
  10. KKNDmx

    Jesus Trained and Died In India (Beyond Belief Documentary Film)

    OMG, India is actually the promise land, no wonder there are so many religious groups fighting and dying there. Come to think of it, Israel should definitely asking for the land back, since it belongs to them anyway, and they don't have to deal with the Palestinians & Hezbollah anymore.:azn:
  11. KKNDmx

    China CZ-2C rocket launch FAILED on Aug 18 2011

    ^Russia is and always has been considered as a European country, it does has vast territories in Asia, but population wise more people live in European part than Asia. I think that same kind of situation apply to Turkey as well, part in Europe, part in Asia, so EuroAsia country.
  12. KKNDmx

    Georgetown basketball exhibition in China ends in brawl

    ^Raina.Kohli. a word of advise for you: keep going on like this, and you wouldn't last very long in this forum. BTW, some of your racist ranting posts have already been reported to the mods. Happy Trolling while you can:rolleyes:
  13. KKNDmx

    Russia 'helping' China with fighter jet technology

    Tomorrow's headline news from YAHOO: "Alien help China with Star Destroyer" All Earthling beware:P
  14. KKNDmx

    Russia 'helping' China with fighter jet technology

    Who's that? Russia? and you have to pay billion of dollars to kiss daddy??
  15. KKNDmx

    Iran Air Force plans first intl. drill

    ^Just want to ask a question, what is the current condition of the Iranian air force? What is the most common fighter used? Will it be able to stand toe to toe with regional power such SA. Ok, that's more than a few questions.
  16. KKNDmx

    Syrian Gunboats Fire on Coastal City

    I have one question: Why is Libya being bombed to kingdom come while Syria is being spared?? Why the double standard here? people at UN should work harder :)
  17. KKNDmx

    S. Korea shows her true color

    I wish for a peaceful world too, but just look around you, there is war in Afghanistan, tribal warfare in Pakistan, on going conflict between India, Pakistan and China... There are so many conflicts of interest here between various countries, that even with the presence of nuclear weapons, they...
  18. KKNDmx

    Russia 'helping' China with fighter jet technology

    This topic has already been posted on another thread, mod should either merge or close one. BTW, it is pathetic that Russia had to trash China to make itself feel better, but T-50 is still a failure of "stealth" design anyway.
  19. KKNDmx

    India faces risk of its own Arab Spring

    Wrong, an RTI activist Shehla Masood was shot and killed before she could join the protest check out this thread http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/125264-rti-activist-way-anna-protest-shot-dead.html
  20. KKNDmx

    India faces risk of its own Arab Spring

    They should legalize corruption and bribery in India, and charge tax on top of that, this is the only win-win resolution for both sides and guaranteed 100% elimination of corruption from congress.
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