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  1. T

    Bell V-280 Valor -- The Future of Vertical Lift Takes Flight

    In order to save loiter time over "Hot LZ" the act of egress begins while Rotors are 'rotating' forward; similarly last man may be climbing aboard on 'wire' while the helo/aircraft begins its exit motion. You can verify that by visiting a USN airshow near you and asking the sergent on duty near...
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    UAE government appoints former ISI Chief Pasha as advisor

    "This is an amusing post to say the least." I aim to amuse. And sometimes I get some on the big board but you won't know it yet would ya? So let us wait.... I do apologize for being tardy....been busy.
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    Operation Tirah Valley | News & Updates

    Commiserations for the unusually heavy losses in this newest battlefield of Tirah Valley. Observations at first blush: By default special forces ought not to be caught in a trap as it has happened here. Special forces are deployed after careful intel, recon and planning. Pakistan has her...
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    Bell V-280 Valor -- The Future of Vertical Lift Takes Flight

    A veritable flight of fancy! You do not want to have a tilt-rotor with side doors adjacent to forward tilted rotors.......tends to chop off arms and legs in rappel mode; ergot the current US marine standard of MV-22 Osprey with rear door access/egress. Currently working on a Herc sized Quad...
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    UAE government appoints former ISI Chief Pasha as advisor

    In baseball parlance; Pasha is the bench warmer/ pinch hitter for another Great Warrior soon to lose his 'extensive employment' if elections actually are prosecuted in Pakistan. We may see such 'Greats' join Team Pasha soon! Oh a little overhead bird tweets that Pasha's first advice to his...
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    AgustaWestland Unveils Revolutionary Project Zero Tilt Rotor Demonstrator

    Considering all the BOLD moves your nation has been making lately, here is a suggestion. Your Foreign Minister was in Rome recently memorializing a compact with Italy. Building on that you should make AW as offer to invest-fund a Pakistan-specific variant of this demostrator. It could be an...
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    Pakistan approves Gwadar port transfer to China

    A more elegant and nuanced view ought to be: It is a positive development for Pakistan with caveats. Anything that helps the Pakistani economy, will be good for the wider region. However, if this port were a metaphorical "Road"; then we should ask what will be the "rules" of this road and...
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    How PAF Should Counter the SU-30 MKI

    Are you publicly stating the Indian Defence Budget at $100Billion? Even then there is a magnitude of 7 difference. Plus US budget is procurement & maintenance. Wars, development costs borne by Defence Industry are not included. Intelligence is a separate blockbuster. Lastly US does not see...
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    How PAF Should Counter the SU-30 MKI

    That's a fair question. Let me answer it tangentially. Do you think if US spends $700B on defence, it would use some of those funds to keep abreast of all potential adversary weapon systems? It is highly unlikely that USAF/USN will show up for a knife-fight without the biggest turkey...
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    How PAF Should Counter the SU-30 MKI

    First what is "HEAVY" class and how is it different from a MRCA? Do you think F-15 is a heavy class Or MRCA? >>>It is hard to argue with someone who uses arcane terms to win an argument. You had asked a question:"The question is why it will come closer???? Have you heard in last 30 years F15...
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    How PAF Should Counter the SU-30 MKI

    The FORUM format only works if you pay "close" attention to the "context" of what is being posted. One of your fellow countrymen had posed a rhetorically flamboyant question about a WVR mash-up by a "heavy fighter" in the last 30 years. I merely called him on that and supplied the counterpoint...
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    How PAF Should Counter the SU-30 MKI

    FMS contract with Pakistan does not mention "India". The basis for your conjecture is US concern that Pakistan's Falcons may be deployed to a third country where they may be scrutinized closely for industrial espionage.......you can read that as China if you like. Paks are free to defend their...
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    How PAF Should Counter the SU-30 MKI

    First Gulf War; A Saudi F-15 was vectored onto a Iraqi mig's 6 by Sentry E3 and he took that out with an AIM-9 at WVR. But you are right I did not "hear" it.
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    How PAF Should Counter the SU-30 MKI

    Mr Sandy 3126, I understand that you & Paks are going hot & heavy but Raytheon AMRAAM AIM-120 D / C-8 is currently being fully fledged out and the "true" range and Kill Zone are Classified. I doubt you got hold of that information. I assure you in comparing systems being currently...
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    Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

    When did the state of Israel shoot down a US aircraft? Pray do tell? And "erstwhile" means former, as in not anymore.....Do you have brand new information about rupture of US-Israeli ties that has not been leaked up here in US? Please enlighten us all. "beg the Yanks...." This is too rich...
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    How PAF Should Counter the SU-30 MKI

    Sometimes I just wonder..... @ Mr. Rockstar. "I do not know that Algerians or Malaysians came to Red flag. I do not think so" Oh! I think so. First where did I say those nations had to haul their lumbering Flankies to RED FLAG? Do look up US-Malay Exercise series Cope Taufan 20XX...
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    How PAF Should Counter the SU-30 MKI

    Some Southies (South Asians) are getting hot, heavy & puerile on this topic and straying farther from the facts. So here is my FACT CHECK. -"USA will not give you spares in a war scenario" - Did not realize Victoria Nuland had a new assistant. If I was an Indian trying to psyche out the...
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    United States messed up Pakistan - Clinton

    And I submit to you that THE TRUTH! can be a funny thing. As Col. Nathan Jessup (aka Jack Nicholson) might put it: hearing Ms Clinton speak of US 'messing' up Pakistan in 1980's is NOT the whole truth, but a half truth. A more complete truth is that Uniformed & Turbaned power players who...
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    Pakistan Promised Missile Armed Chinese UAVs

    CH-4 sure looks interesting but not quite original. Falco is okay. Nothwithstanding all these good omen, a UAV system operating in an environment shared by US/NATO Reapers and Israeli-built, Indian operated Heron-2(Machatz)s ought to have more robust specs. A truly comprehensive surveillance...
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    U.S Will Continue To Target Pakistan After Afghan Withdrawal

    All I can say is that sometimes one can miss the tiny sapling amongst a big bushy forest. The one tiny sapling that shall bear the fruit that will make the elixir to cure what ails thee.....! .....and yes you will need more money for round the clock surveillance. P.S. All is not lost yet...
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