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  1. C

    Why China denied Philipines ' suggestion to ITCLOS ?

    We Chinese say 'rising in peace' only to prove hopelessly to the whole human world that we are human beings because we can speak English, a human language. Whether we are human or cave-men in Modern Stone Age or some kind of wild low-level animal living in a beautiful Chinese jungle is not...
  2. C

    Why China denied Philipines ' suggestion to ITCLOS ?

    Don't you Khmer people see that we China are perfoming an excellent comedy in South China Sea for the whole world to see and cheer warmly? Our Chinese government are the Most Talented Master in comedy playing, and I'm only one of their little and mediocre pupils that are scattering like weeds...
  3. C

    Why China denied Philipines ' suggestion to ITCLOS ?

    Excellent! Even God can't say better! This poor forum isn't for any debates and disputes and morals and international law and any stupid and foolish and rubbish things at all!!! This poor Pakistani forum is only for us Super Chinese to show off and advertise our SuperPower Weapons of God's Son...
  4. C

    Why China denied Philipines ' suggestion to ITCLOS ?

    That's completely right!!! If Nazi German existed today, they would also do as we SuperPower and Great China did!!! Long Live Great China!!!
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