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  1. Mirza Ghalib

    US suspends military aid to Pakistan. Military says it doesn't need it.

    Now look atwhat they seem to be blaming Pakistan for? "The New York Times is reporting that the Obama administration is upset with Pakistan for expelling American military trainers and wants tougher action against the Taliban and others fighting American soldiers in Afghanistan." Anyone in their...
  2. Mirza Ghalib

    The US Has Already Lost The Afghanistan War

    I fear you may be totally wrong there. It's exactly what is going to happen: cut and run. Strange how after so many experiences to the contrary, you still maintain so much faith in the US military and the government behind it.
  3. Mirza Ghalib

    The US Has Already Lost The Afghanistan War

    Well, I don't know that anyone above has really said something of real interest. And most of the comments were in any case off topic since they did not address the points Eric Margolis had gone to so much trouble to make. Anyway, back to basics. Who is in the process of winning the Afghan...
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