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    Threats from advanced military just a myth: Says China

    It is better to be a threat than a coward, because China dont have third chice
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    PLA 20 Years Behind U.S. Military: Chinese DM

    The inflation rate in ur country is 20% in a month and has been increasing in five months. Are u insane? Arm race with China?
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    Dear chinese and the other friends.

    U can push your gov. and make this dream come true.
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    Dear chinese and the other friends.

    I mean it is not witten by Chinese, so ur gov. definetly know what they signed because the letter is written by ur character.
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    Dear chinese and the other friends.

    It is witten by Vitnamese and has already shown in CCTV.
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    Dear chinese and the other friends.

    It is not a simply letter, there is a handwritting signature of ur Premier and the gov. seal. If u dont accept it, why u sign it and seal it? If ur threatened by China at that time, why u didnt against it at that time? If a claim document with handwritting signature of Premier and the gov. seal...
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    Dear chinese and the other friends.

    UNCLOS didnot specially point out where nansha belongs to,but ur gov. has admitted it belongs to China. Even an individual should not break promise.Why ur gov. can deny what they said.
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    Dear chinese and the other friends.

    It is a totally excuse.Your are mixing the concept of gov. with an individual. For an individual, a contract could be invalid as they are threatened when they signed the contract.However, for a gov., the threaten could never be an excuse as the function of the millitary is to against the...
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    Vietnam plans live-fire drill

    :smitten:oh my god,a perfect chance to get nansha back
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    China best weapon!

    According to the war in 1960 with India, the whole India should belong to China. We r too mercy.
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    PLA 20 Years Behind U.S. Military: Chinese DM

    The inflation rate in Vitnam is 20% in May, the financial market in Vitnam is controlled by the wallstreet. I cannot understand why u feel so confident about the economic in ur country. U can accuse the high inflation rate in Ussar and China, why u cannot look at ur self.
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