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  1. Umit

    Foreign Ministry: 1000 Factories in Aleppo Were Robbed and Transferred to

    Funny news, does Turkey need Syria's scraps? I dont think so..
  2. Umit

    Turkey's Missile Deployment undermines Muslim Unity: Iranian Lawmaker

    Turkey is anti-islam? You CANT be serious... There are two anti-islamic countries in ME, they are Iran and Israel. Both of them in debt of existence each other. They are feeding each other and harming Islam.
  3. Umit

    17 Turkish troops killed in helicopter crash.

    S-70, Blackhawk :(
  4. Umit

    Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

    Elhamdulillah.. Hope production starts quickly, i want to see them in action :)
  5. Umit

    New Unclassified Turkish Projects

    Oh, Gunship in Turkish Army !! This will be excellent for us, i cant wait for it.
  6. Umit

    TAI ANKA .VS. HESA S-129

    Turkish War of Independence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia We have our answer already, our ancestors taught how to defend a motherland, to the whole world. Dont make Turks to write history again :)
  7. Umit

    Turkiye has started the warning bombardment to Syria

    What? Are you looking for a Saddam Hussein v2, check for your Ayetollahs please.
  8. Umit

    Otokar Opened Tank Test Facility

    6000 is too much. We need maximum 2000. Instead of deploying 4000 extra MBTs, we can use our effort and money for other projects like T-129 or Milgem.
  9. Umit

    Helicopter crash kills 5 Turkish soldiers in Afghanistan

    Turkish Army is not in Afghanistan for an invade. Our army builds roads, helps local people and educate them. We are in Afghanistan to defend and help the people of Aghanistan, not to kill innocent people.
  10. Umit

    T-37 crash in Turkey kills PAF pilot on exchange.

    May Allah cover and protect them. :(
  11. Umit

    Terrorist Unveils PKK-Israel Collaboration

    Everyone already know that Terror State of Israel supports PKK against Turkey. :)
  12. Umit

    8 PKK terorrists arrested by Police Special Operations

    M4s, M16s... God damn Americans.
  13. Umit

    Turkey deputy: weapons being smuggled to Syria

    Hama massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 17,000 to 40,000 Syrian citizens, civilians killed... Someone is blind about truth, he is defending Assad and their regime, unbelievable...
  14. Umit

    President Gül warns Syria not to play PKK card against Turkey

    Lol. It seems, this Assad fan boy dont know about history. 2 decades ago, Grand Assad runned to his hole because of Turkish tanks on Syrian border. I hope too, i hope Syria support PKK against us and lets all see about it. 90s Turkey has changed. Everyone must watch their own steps anymore...
  15. Umit

    Turkey deputy: weapons being smuggled to Syria

    As before, as always... Isn't it ?
  16. Umit

    PKK (Öcalan Davas - Gerekçeli Karar)

    Adam yontulmamış odun yahu, baktım baktım ibret aldım ne diyeyim... Bu forumdan Türkiye bölümünü kaldırmak, Türkiye - Pakistan dostluğuna el uzatmak öyle klavye çapulcularının harcı değildir.
  17. Umit

    PKK (Öcalan Davas - Gerekçeli Karar)

    Bak hala terbiyesizlik yapmaya devam ediyorsun. Ben sana hakaret etmiyorum ancak sen tanımadığın bir insana ağza alınmayacak şeyler söylüyorsun. Daha fazla muhattap olmayacağım seninle ve yukarda yazdığım yazıyla çelişir...
  18. Umit

    PKK (Öcalan Davas - Gerekçeli Karar)

    Arkadaşım terbiyesizlik yapma, seviyeli ol. Burasi Türkçe bir forum değil, dili İngilizce olan bir forum. Herkes bu kurala uyuyorsa sen de uymak durumundasın. Üstelik ağzından salyalar saçarak küfürler ediyorsun, bir de utanmadan üste çıkmaya...
  19. Umit

    Ottoman movies/documentaries

    We play as Altair in Assassins Creed 1. In AC2 and Brotherhood, we play as Ezio Auditore. And Revelations too. :)
  20. Umit

    Ottoman movies/documentaries

    Yes. :D
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