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  1. T

    Stop maligning the military

    Whats up with this Najam Sethi guy? He was banned in Pakistan during the nineteen ninetees for giving an anti-pakistan statement in India. A total anti-Islam , anti-Pakistan guy having hey day on mainstream tv. Pakistan's Jihad against Islam is going really well i guess.
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    Pakistan demands apology over drone strike

    The Qadri Affect 03/12/2011 Economistan - Economic Analysis Think Tank Picture: Civil disobedience at the protests of the Republican National Convention, New York City. Picture taken by Jonathan Mcintosh, 2004. It was the 4th of January when Malik Mumtaz Qadri opened fire and killed a...
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    Pakistan demands apology over drone strike

    Well my friend. Pakistan might be doing many thing wrongs. But the leader of all criminals in the world is the US. Pakistan is not doing anything nearly as henious as America all over the world. Its America which is the root of all evil even in Pakistan. American money is used to bribe our...
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    Pakistan demands apology over drone strike

    Yeah they are not droned. They are burnt alive in Gujarat. They are discriminated against on a daily basis. Treated like second class citizens. Their religion is ridiculed in the national media. Muslims who try to follow their religion are called terrorists. Kashmiris in a state of virtual siege...
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    Pakistan demands apology over drone strike

    Well they will have to kill you then. Maybe then your relatives can get the blood money. And they can be put in bars after that out of reach of media or anybody, so much for going to the mother of all evil, we call America.
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    Pakistan demands apology over drone strike

    ISI has been compromised. Raymond Davis visited the tribal areas so many times more than ten I presume. Not even a normal Pakistani can visit without permits in these times, let alone a white American CIA agent. It cannot happen without the knowledge and express permission of the ISI.
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    Pakistan demands apology over drone strike

    We have nothing in common with India. The Muslims in India are living in abject poverty. Its very hard for them to even get a job in the Indian government no matter how qualified they are.
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    Pakistan demands apology over drone strike

    revolution has already started with the departure of raymond davis. Thats wat i think. Now lets see how long it takes to materialize and wat form it takes.
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    Pakistan demands apology over drone strike

    Its time for a revolution in the US, the head of the snake. The main reason for revolutions all over the world. The supporter of tyrants all over the world. The usurper, the leader of the new world disorder, the linchpin of the American Industrial-military complex, the breeding ground for the...
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    Pakistan demands apology over drone strike

    This is a very interesting article about revolution all over the world and America as well as America is the head of the snake. That is where the ultimate revolution would happen in a few years time. The Qadri Affect
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    Pakistan demands apology over drone strike

    Do u think there would be a revolution in Pakistan?
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