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  1. trystwithdestiny

    NATO to Russia: Cooperate on Missile Defense

    BRATISLAVA, Slovakia - NATO's secretary-general on May 19 called for a "true, strategic partnership" between NATO and Russia after warnings from Moscow of a possible new Cold War should the two sides fail to agree on missile defense. "My objective is to develop a true strategic partnership...
  2. trystwithdestiny

    1 Dead and 5 injured in a blast: Peshawar

    Just saw on Dunya News about the incident... RIP for the dead
  3. trystwithdestiny

    'Bin Laden dead long before US raid'. Osama Died of Disease

    From International point of view, I find the stance of United States not to disclose the video’s of the operation Gernimo not as a dubious act but a calculated opinion considering the following probabilities. 1) Primarily to ensure the operational strategy and capabilities of Navy Seal ‘s...
  4. trystwithdestiny

    My job is done if India-Pakistan ties normalize: Manmohan

    It’s difficult to perceive what MMS intends to achieve considering the past, present and what the future beholds for both the countries. In his remarkable career this humble and soft spoken arduous economist had paved the way for the economic growth of this billion strong country, thus...
  5. trystwithdestiny

    India becomes world’s largest arms importer

    Not to Troll.. But looks like our chinese friends tend to boast a little more than required forgetting the poverty in China. Poverty in China is often overshadowed by average annual GDP growth rates of 9%. According to World Bank and UN statistics, around 200 million Chinese live on less...
  6. trystwithdestiny

    How realistic is UNSC permanent seat for India???

    If India has vied for a Permanent Seat in SC Council, it in all probabilities must have read and understood the pre-requisites to crave for such position. Currently India has envisaged her candidature by trying to get a ratification by 2/3rd majority of the general assembly members, but more so...
  7. trystwithdestiny

    Pakistan plans to buy more F-16s

    It's difficult to comprehend the immediate need for additional F-16's when your are mass producing Thunder in your own production facilities. It would have been a reasonable justification if their was an immediate threat to thwart off for which these aircrafts are being procured. Moreover these...
  8. trystwithdestiny

    Unexpectedly, Navy’s Superlaser Blasts Away a Record

    Unexpectedly, Navy’s Superlaser Blasts Away a Record By Spencer Ackerman February 18, 2011 | 3:36 pm | Categories: Lasers and Ray Guns NEWPORT NEWS, Virginia — Walking into a control station at Jefferson Labs, Quentin Saulter started horsing around with his colleague, Carlos...
  9. trystwithdestiny

    India vs England:CWC

    I wish all the best to both the teams and may the best take the honors. Shouldn't be a lopsided match
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