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  1. Rocket Raja

    India instrumental in toning down resolution against SL: PM to Rajapaksa

    boneless PM ever seen.........we need another indira....
  2. Rocket Raja

    Who is more corrupt? Pakistani politicians or Indian politicians...

    like to know what u people were doing on the fight against corruption in your country?
  3. Rocket Raja

    India wants UNSC club expanded to 25 states

    like what china and pakistan is doing with licking each others ***.
  4. Rocket Raja

    Chennai police to hotels: Ban Lankans

    Agreed.both sides of the fishermen are crossing the border knowingly or unknowingly.,but they are unarmed civilians.indian fishermens have been most times tortured,looted and killed by Srilankan army for no reason.that's un-acceptable.GIVE US KATCHATEEVU.,GET AWAY FROM THAT PLACE.END
  5. Rocket Raja

    Chennai police to hotels: Ban Lankans

    equal rights are in the papers .,not shown in real spirit and for fishermen issue give us katchatheevu then the issue is all over .
  6. Rocket Raja

    Chennai police to hotels: Ban Lankans

    [/B] thats alright .,but centre must listen to TN's demand with regards to tamils plight in srilanka .there are thousands of people estimated 40000 people were massacred ,raped,killed by srilankan army.if the foriegn policy matters are driven by external factors alone juz like any other...
  7. Rocket Raja

    Chennai police to hotels: Ban Lankans

    Remember we india got helped them in 1971....if u dont know anything abt this pls get away..
  8. Rocket Raja

    Chennai police to hotels: Ban Lankans

    exactly right.,those who have done this massacre must be brought to justice and punished SEVERELY.
  9. Rocket Raja

    Chennai police to hotels: Ban Lankans

    rather it seems u r a kid living under propagandas and conspiracy theories.;)
  10. Rocket Raja

    Chennai police to hotels: Ban Lankans

    Its juz got turned out to be a democrazy!
  11. Rocket Raja

    Chennai police to hotels: Ban Lankans

    For the same reason why would india help srilankans war with LTTE? unless the fight is against india and indians?.
  12. Rocket Raja

    The US cannot afford an open conflict with Pakistan

    neither Pakistan also do not afford to fight with US OF A..:tdown:
  13. Rocket Raja

    BJP opposes Muslim reservation in jobs: Joshi

    In general,reservation should be given to the poor people,irrespective of religion,caste . As far as the Muslims are concerned,they should be given due representation in the government jobs as per the sachar committee report to integrate them to mainstream society, but for that reason...
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