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  1. Reichmarshal

    Confirmed : PAF Negotiating For L-15 LIFT Aircrafts !

    Ac like ft5/f5, f6/ft6 f7 A5 Mirage 3/5 etc are their most out in the open..... its a ac boneyard with a a couple of operational sqd in the mix. The terrorists were after the ucav n somthing else but they climbed the fence from the wrong side.....my guess
  2. Reichmarshal

    Confirmed : PAF Negotiating For L-15 LIFT Aircrafts !

    Relax man.....pg are front line fighters n were/are never used as LIFT. FT 7 were used as LIFT n are being used n will be used until a new LIFT platform is inducted. I will state it again the looses at mianwali were of decommissioned ac...mostly.
  3. Reichmarshal

    Chief of the Air Staff Desk.

    Theirs another angle to it n that is that the acm has been roasting hafiz sb on every occasion when ever hafiz or his cronies have tried to bring politics into any joint sitting of the armed forces. So the way things are now adays in Pakistan where a huge psyops campaign in being run on...
  4. Reichmarshal

    JF-17 C Arrives To Participate In Dubai Airshow!

    Insults are the last refuge of a fool. U have zero intellect or though for that matter, hence u can never win an argument....so in utter frustration n desperation u resort to insults....I pity u
  5. Reichmarshal

    JF-17 C Arrives To Participate In Dubai Airshow!

    Dident know Quaid e Azam gave u the deed of Pakistan.....relax son we are all Pakistani here n want the best for our country.....but unlike u I will call a spade a spade n will not get washed away in the tide of jingoistic blind patriotism
  6. Reichmarshal

    JF-17 vs Tejas at Dubai Airshow

    With all the options india has n with the russian European n u.s military industrial complex behind u n supporting u at every step of the way......ur decision making is perplexing to say the least. As india has been developing tajas for some 30 years now, without succeeding in making it...
  7. Reichmarshal

    JF-17 C Arrives To Participate In Dubai Airshow!

    Son Is ur name jf17 or j10 ? I said " Comparing a f35 with a jf17 or j10 is like comparing donkeys n a thoroughbred horse." .....theirs no mention of u in my post. So once again get ur head out of where the sun don't shine, so u know how things work in real life.
  8. Reichmarshal

    JF-17 C Arrives To Participate In Dubai Airshow!

    Why u getting ur panties in a knot son. Bad abusive language reflect poorly on u n ur up bringing. So behave n get ur head out of where the sun don't shine, so u know how things work in real life. Now comming back to the topic by ur logic might as well faze out all the jet fighter ac n induct...
  9. Reichmarshal

    JF-17 C Arrives To Participate In Dubai Airshow!

    Comparing a f35 with a jf17 or j10 is like comparing donkeys n a thoroughbred horse. For starters at the moment all the pilots who qualify for a f 35 are the brightest and the most experienced pilots who have 100s of hrs flying other fast jets, plus have u seen the f 35 sim, it the most...
  10. Reichmarshal

    Pakistan Army | News and Discussions

    But the interesting thing is, everything that's been happening since IK ouster has been executed/ done by the MI n ISI has played very little part in it all....except take the blame for it all. Since the time when naderm anjum told bajwa that things are heading south n he needs to look into it...
  11. Reichmarshal

    JF-17 C Arrives To Participate In Dubai Airshow!

    If its indeed for the PAF then PAF has learned its lesson from jf 17 folly ie not producing a twin seat version of the jf 17 early enough. It also shown n proves the point that time spent in the sim does not even come close to time spent in an actual ac with an instructor breating down ur neck
  12. Reichmarshal

    JF-17 vs Tejas at Dubai Airshow

    AgaIN Presently the Chinese engine in comparison to the russian engine...does not give that big a bang for the buck to make the switch Again they deal with catic directly n hence if any prob with the ac...will be addressed by catic n not PAF....so the news is not true If PAF had the choice...
  13. Reichmarshal

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    The key word is tweeked
  14. Reichmarshal

    Old/New Articles and News item about PAF

    Sir jee his guns jammed after he had shot down an ac.....so im other words he was already in the mix So he had no other option but to be the wing man n cover the 6 of his wing man. N then theirs the factor of time n when ur times up then u cant do nothing about it.....he was fated to go that...
  15. Reichmarshal

    JF-17 vs Tejas at Dubai Airshow

    PAF has invested heavily in rd 93 n is very satisfied with the end product..... plus the cost to benefit ratio for switching to ws 13 at the moment is not much...so for the moment PAF does not feel the urge to switch Thats bs is spread by indian sources n nothing wrong with the fc1 that Myanmar...
  16. Reichmarshal

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    Every ac has its positives n negatives....but a non easa f16 even armed with a aim 120 is no match for a easa equipped n pl12/pl15 armed jf 17 unless supported by awacs Even in wvr a jf 17 equipped with a hms n armedvwith pl10 will outclass a non easa f16...unless its armed with hmd n aim 9x
  17. Reichmarshal

    JF-17 vs Tejas at Dubai Airshow

    Why the hell is every one comparing jf17 n tejas in the first place. tejas as things stand today is at best a experimental dud of which a few copies has been shoved down the throat of iaf, for the feel good factor by dodo. While jf 17 has been in opp for 10 plus years n has seen active...
  18. Reichmarshal

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    Block 3 is way ahead of capability then f16 c/d.... With its avionics package, weapons, esea radar n tweeked engine. F16c/d n all other non easa f16 stand little to no chance.
  19. Reichmarshal

    Old/New Articles and News item about PAF

    Sir jee how so....he went beyond the call of duty to stay with the flight after his guns jammed. Thats bravery.... when u have nothing n still stay in the fight.
  20. Reichmarshal

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    Offer needs to be made to Iran through China with the facility of in house rebuild... We could see order for 100s of ac
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