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  1. T

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    Good proliferate nukes... it's fun to watch wat will happen to china afterwards:rofl: Give some to Sri lanka,Bangladesh also..
  2. T

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    Wen jiabao's PA has spoken ...:rofl::rofl::rofl: Ur replies are Bull $hit
  3. T

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    Unfortunately CD couldn't understand this or pretending Not to Understand..
  4. T

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    CD was talking like china has the biigest nuke in the world so that india would scared.. So i reminded him that there is more bigger nuke and stock piles than u in russia.. He chest thumping with Nukes.. If u think we would be scared by ur 2000Kt of nuke,u must be dreaming CD..:oops...
  5. T

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    Good bye:wave: before going to sleep remember how japs invaded u.. And get up in the morining with a good mood,so that u won't think of using Nukes and invading other countries
  6. T

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    Lets see how mighty "Chinese" fight:rofl: Japan invades China The Crushing Moment
  7. T

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    I am saying u one again.. U were on the winning side,But u didn't win.. U r of no use in being in Axis power.. It was US and Russia.. Americans and Russians itself will not chest thump as u do.. U r just a little rat for US and Russia.. If u jave 2000Kt.. Russia has 50Mt..remember Tsar...
  8. T

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    It the same Quality by which u were defeated,smothered,massacred by japnese..:lol:
  9. T

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    Here come the real frustrated troll.. starting to racially abuse one.. Keep it up..:cheers:
  10. T

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    Don't worry,we know chinese quality..:lol: It's no surprise even if ur ICBM won't launch at all...:lol:
  11. T

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    ya when u nuke india,we'll be sitting Idle,our Nerpa and Arihant nuke subs will be catching fishes.. and the world will be seeing China using nukes.. Some one like in ur government is enough to make china nuclear dump land..
  12. T

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    U know we have a brilliant saying for these type of comments in our language.. "ನಿನ್ ಅಮ್ಮನ ಮಿದ್ರಿಗ&#3270...
  13. T

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    :rofl: Guys this guys don't even know how much damage a 20Kt nuke do.. Go and ask the surviors of Nagasaki and hiroshima..they'll tell u wat a 0.003 Kt nuke did to their cities... Better learn the after math effects of Nuke.. after than comment on Nukes..
  14. T

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    Don't try to patch up ur failure... World know how China was Invaded and massacred by japanese.. U didn't win,u were just on the winning side.. Like ur in the game,but of no use..:azn: It's a shame to get invaded.. In 1962 u couldn't even gain a inch of terriotory,But the japanese kill chinese...
  15. T

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    Don't try to hide ur national animal buddy.. Ur bubble is blown out by ur own govt.. Information of Pakistan check it out it clearly say,ur N.Animal is Markhor.. Say proudly"Our national animal is Wild goat markhor"
  16. T

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    Yet ur army got HUMILATED So easily by japanese.. They even invaded u that's a humiliation of the century... Keep it up PLA
  17. T

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    By back-stabbing.. :rofl: When india didn't have modern arsenal and nukes.. That's called chinese style.. U won't come from front,u come from back.. And that's not a thing to be proud of..
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