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  1. I

    Young people in China want traditional Han clothing back in fashion

    Since you brought up Alexander, do you consider Cleopatra to be Egyptian? Because her family was ethnically Greek, descended from Alexander's General Ptolemy.
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    Japanese Woman Allegedly Raped In Himachal Pradesh's Kullu

    You'd think she'd would already know about the risks from two separate Japanese rape victims only a few years ago...but maybe having family marrying an Indian woman, Kalpana Abe has led to LDP not being frank about the risks to his own people traveling to India just like he was about the...
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    Trump Proposes Rejoining Trans-Pacific Partnership

    Nothing you said contradicted anything I wrote. De facto rule doesn't change the fact that the island that either way it would still be part of China, whether as the as Republic of China or as the People's Republic of Chinese's province of Taiwan. They are Chinese nationally, ethnically and...
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    Trump Proposes Rejoining Trans-Pacific Partnership

    It's "your" not "you're". Besides, neither the US nor Japan recognizes Taiwan as an independent country. Even if there is diplomatic or politic support for De facto rule, no nation known as Taiwan has ever existed. Not even the pro-independence Taiwanese people officially recognize it, as no...
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    China's indigenously-developed CPU, the ZX-C series

    Too bad its not ARM. X86-64 is increasingly obsolete, even Microsoft is moving towards ARM chip instructions with X86 emulation for Win 32 programs.
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    Why India Can't Compete With China in Manufacturing

    I honestly don't why some Indian members get so offended when they go out of their way to visit not only a Pakistani Forum but a Chinese section of it. It's like like walking into a minefield and being surprised as they get blown up and blaming the people who place mines. Do you guys simply like...
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    For Some Chinese Uighurs, Modeling Is A Path To Success

    Beauty is subjective and often influenced by society and pop culture hence the attempt by the West to cast White male actors and models but not Asians in representative share. It's about power familiarity and aspirations and that is why I'm disgusted to see White male models all over billboards...
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    China says Taiwan not a country, Taiwan says China needs reality check

    Taiwan is the like the friendzoned virgin. He think he can get recognition and attention by the popular kids being nice, imitating the cool kids and complaining about China who is often bad mouthed. However, the world doesn't work that way, you can never be leader by follow and instead have to...
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    Muslims in Middle Kingdom and Contemporary China Celebrating Festivals and More

    While Islam during the days of Prophet Muhammad may be considered progressive and advance for its time, the world has greatly changed since then. The problem is Muslims, particularly fundamentalists, see Islam is not only as a a set of a values but all encompassing into all other aspects of a...
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    The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

    Xi Jinping Speech about OBOR
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    China poverty alleviation, raising standard of living

    Doubt it. The antagonism and paranoia from New Delhi is too much. China can't even convince India to join OBOR which would improve infrastructure and boost local investment. I suspect the India media will spin any efforts as a secret plot to help transport arms for Maoist rebels in poor rural areas.
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    Japan’s film industry finds opportunities in China

    As much as I like Anime, Manga and J-Pop I hope China stays away from the Cancer that is Moe and Bishounen subculture. Japan also has a habit of promote feminine men and fantasy delusion that not only distracts people from reality but also impedes social progress and cohesion. One only needs to...
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    Ivanka Trump made a surprise appearance at the Chinese Embassy in Washington, DC for the Chinese New

    There's supposedly a bit of tension in the Trump family. Jared Kushner has been reported to be quite angry and losing weight at Trump's decisions and how he completely disregards his attempts to negotiate, name with Nieto. Ivanka and Kushner are moderates but Trump is too far in a way influenced...
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    Indian media should focus on synergy rather than confrontation with China

    Yes it is a popular theory. Elon Musk and a bunch of tech billionaires believes we are living in a simulation. We are living in the matrix dude...*tinfoil hat* and only drugs like DMT and meditations will let you see beyond the fabric of reality.... I think some people are trying develop drugs...
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    Indian media should focus on synergy rather than confrontation with China

    Is that why you're so attached to Hatsune Miku and have her as your avatar? If everything is fake then it makes no difference if she's fictional. Is she is as a real to you as a real woman? I'm sorry I couldn't resist. :P I have to agree with you though. Reality is not something we are every...
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    Indian media should focus on synergy rather than confrontation with China

    I think the Daily Show did it best when showing how much BS is going on in the Indian Media:
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    Z-20 Utility Helicopter News & Discussions

    Looking good. Still whenever I see it, I always think of the wasted opportunity not to design ramp door on it like the NH90 or Mi-17. That way it looks a more different than the blackhawk and provides quicker means of entrance/exit off the chopper.
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    China-US Geopolitics: News & Discussions

    If Rex Tillerson wants to block the S. China Sea from PLAN, China should start promoting patriotic cruises to man-made islands. It's going to look ridiculous if the 7th Fleet starts harassing Passenger Ships with Destroyers and Hornets. Moreover, short from hostile action like ramming and...
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    US Navy commander implies that Chinese naval ships can't 'fight their way out of a wet paper bag'

    I don't think he necessarily believes his own statement, he's trying to argue why USN needs a lot funding and time to build its ships compared to China. So he's going with the whole Quality vs. Quantity argument for China. MIC needs to keep the pork from Congress flowing...
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