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  1. J

    Two Face: Kashmiri Muslims and their so called independence movement

    so were kashmiri msulims -driven form thier homes mruder and raped. and the odd thing is there are 600,000 kashmiri padnit refugees and 1.5 million msulim kashmiri refugees. more kashmir muslim women have been raped. more kashmiri civlians have been killed. kashmiri civialans have faced...
  2. J

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    yawn all you people briing up other cases of rape (eg pakitani rape innbagbaldesh) stop going off topic its irrelevant at this point waht does paksitanis aping bengalis in bangladesh ahve to do wiht indians raping kahsmiris in kahsmir? are u suggesting ebcase pakistan did it its ok for india to...
  3. J

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    UNHCR | Refworld | India's Secret Army in Kashmir: New Patterns of Abuse Emerge in the Conflict read and learn untill then shut up
  4. J

    Junagadh dispute & Kashmir

    the dipsute is two things. 1) why should a ruler decide the future fate of his peope when he is a tyrant, who fled his epople and did not represent them? jsut ebucae ther is a law does not make it fair. russia never signed the rome stateu on war conventions beofre ww2 so germans abused russians...
  5. J

    Junagadh dispute & Kashmir

    . i have a probelm wiht hypocrys especially when it coem a t the expense of human rights. kashmiris deserve the recognition they shud have recied in the 40's. independe, pakistan or india its thier choie adn theirs alone.
  6. J

    Junagadh dispute & Kashmir

    maybe if india was itnerested in kashmiris welfare. but theyre not.
  7. J

    Junagadh dispute & Kashmir

    all of u epople (idnians) going on hwo about how pakistan never withrew her troops therefore india enver had to compeltle the plebisticite ILL REMIND YOU THA TPAKISTAN DEMANDED THAT INDIA WITHDREW HER TROOPS IN ORDER TO HOLD THE PLEBISTICITE IN JUNAGADH amd inda reufed and forced the...
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