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  1. R

    Indus Valley Civilization: Architecture

    There is a view that Meluhha is a corruption of the Sanskrit word "Mlechha". The units used in Indus Valley town planning ("Dhanush" and "anguli") are the same as those used in many temples and old buildings all across India and Nepal. These units have been mentioned in Chanakya's classic...
  2. R

    BJP chief claims English bad for India, triggers outrage

    You are a Malyali, right? How are you going to remove the 90% vocabulary from Malayalam which is based on Sanskrit? You are also spewing "Aryan invasion" garbage but I won't waste time correcting your delusions on that point.
  3. R

    BJP chief claims English bad for India, triggers outrage

    It is not at all true that Dalits are necessarily hostile to Sanskrit. In fact - ‘Ambedkar wanted Sanskrit as official language’ - The Tribune - Magazine section - Windows
  4. R

    BJP chief claims English bad for India, triggers outrage

    Not true ... For example, in the US, many of the best scientists and engineers are not native English speakers.
  5. R

    BJP chief claims English bad for India, triggers outrage

    You should make a language your slave, rather than your master. It depends upon the strength of your own thoughts, to an extent. I am all for promoting Indic languages, but the international language for commerce and technology is English and that cannot be changed in the near future.
  6. R

    BJP chief claims English bad for India, triggers outrage

    Are you familiar with Rajiv Malhotra's thoughts regarding non-translatable Indic concepts. He suggests that Sanskrit terms be used in English rather than attempting to translate. That has already happened to an extent, but much more can be done.
  7. R

    BJP chief claims English bad for India, triggers outrage

    China and Japan are good examples of modernization without westernization. The model India is following under Gandhi family rule can be termed as the "Haiti" model of Papa Doc and Baby Doc.
  8. R

    BJP chief claims English bad for India, triggers outrage

    Do you think it is acceptable that those who suffered conversion turn their backs on their own heritage. That is exactly the thought process of Jinnah. His grandfather was a Hindu but he claimed to belong to a completely different civilization, in conflict with his ancestral civilization.
  9. R

    BJP chief claims English bad for India, triggers outrage

    Actually it be that Dharma will be better preserved by the Chinese civilization, because elites in its native land have become mentally colonized.
  10. R

    BJP chief claims English bad for India, triggers outrage

    It depends upon how powerful the ideas are. There are plenty of discussions on the Upanishads in English. And in the process many Sanskrit words have entered the English language. Obviously one should also preserve the ability to appreciate the original version.
  11. R

    BJP chief claims English bad for India, triggers outrage

    In my opinion English is an international language and there is no getting away from it, even if it were possible to have an Indic national language. However, what is more important is the thoughts rather than the medium of expression. We should preserve the Indic world-view regardless of the...
  12. R

    BJP chief claims English bad for India, triggers outrage

    Having permission to shout doesn't necessarily mean that there is anything sensible being shouted.
  13. R

    BJP chief claims English bad for India, triggers outrage

    As a matter of fact, that is not true. Most Hindi words are derived from pure Sanskrit words, e.g. Macchli from Matsya. So Sanskrit was widely spoken but over time the words underwent changes in its various Prakrit off-shoots.
  14. R

    Behind China’s Hindu temples, a forgotten history

    Behind China’s Hindu temples, a forgotten history Ananth Krishnan In and around Quanzhou, a bustling industrial city, there are shrines that historians believe may have been part of a network of more than a dozen Hindu temples and shrines For the residents of Chedian, a few...
  15. R

    Gujarat riots caused Indian Mujahideen: National Investigation Agency

    ' In my view the temples are not such a big issue. But it will be good for all Indians including Indian Muslims to be comfortable with their own ancestral heritage. For example in Indonesia people have now become Muslims but they have no problems with their ancestral culture - Indonesia...
  16. R

    Gujarat riots caused Indian Mujahideen: National Investigation Agency

    Don't let your hatred overwhelm your logic. Muslims are voting for Modi in large numbers in Gujarat. Muslims give thumbs up to Narendra Modi as thousands join BJP's public meet in Surat : Gujarat, News - India Today As regards riots it was Congressmen who burnt the train and in the riots...
  17. R

    Indian Mujahideen a product of Gujarat Riots

    Everybody knows that the Congress loves to encourage terrorism by spreading lies. As regards Gujarat, it was Congressmen who burnt the train and later on it was Congressmen who rioted. Look at the number of Congressmen among the rioters brought to justice. After indulging in so much...
  18. R

    Never claimed Parliament House attack, 26/11 inside job: Ex-MHA official

    Actually it was not Mani who ever made the claims. As per reports, he only said that the officer nominated to the SIT by the terrorist family, one Satish Verma, expressed those views.
  19. R

    Truth about Gandhi dynasty

    You should read Indira: The Life of Indira Nehru Gandhi by Katherine Frank. Feroze was probably the son of his purported aunt Shirin Commissariat. His father is unknown. No birth certificate has ever been found for Feroze and the records of the Parsi maternity hospital in Mumbai do not show his...
  20. R


    This Satish Verma dude was a nominated to the Special Investigation Team by the family of the terrorist Ishrat Jahan. Seriously, the Congress party has descended into the gutter with the likes of Zaid Hamid.
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