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  1. K

    Governor Punjab, Salman Taseer, Killed.

    if he's assassinated for rants against blasphemy law than this explains how much sensitive this issue is.
  2. K

    Where is Islam in Islamic Republic of Pakistan?

    that's a typical excuse from those who don't want the implementation of Islamic shariat. This will not work, why not point out where's the difference??????????
  3. K

    Where is Islam in Islamic Republic of Pakistan?

    Islamic system is not concerned if Mr A is ready to pray behind Imam'e Kabah or not. The system is concerned with economic, social & Political aspects of human lives. The excuse that in presence of different sects it's not possible to implement Islamic shariah is totally invalid. the present...
  4. K

    Where is Islam in Islamic Republic of Pakistan?

    Janab'e Mohtaram, the question was, "where is Islam in Islamic republic of Pakistan", instead of answering specifically, it was chosen to drag in the Mullahs and the political system. We Pakistanis normally don't have the passion to read books, otherwise , it is very clear that Mullahs did...
  5. K

    Blind Faith - documentary on blasphemy in Pakistan

    no matter how many cries we hear from the seculars/liberals, the Blasphemy Law is to stay in Pakistan. we know this is very difficult for the seculars to digest but there's no other way, they will have to live by this reality.
  6. K

    Shutter down strike over blasphemy issue

    millions of liberal, why don't put this claim to test, just bring 1% of these self proclaimed "millions" on roads for demonstration against the blasphemy law.
  7. K

    Shutter down strike over blasphemy issue

    a couple of secular Pakistani friends in this forum doesn't represent the Pakistani masses. Yes, the blasphemy law has real support and the shutter down strike was out of free will and not due to any threat as some are trying to make some believe. it's our right and we exercised this right...
  8. K

    Shutter down strike over blasphemy issue

    how many other laws in Pakistan are implemented fairly and properly, we all know the answer. So shall we follow your advice wrt all other laws. "you need to have some room and leeway in its implementation and even interpretation".
  9. K

    Will the following language be considered abusive, useless rants~ if Yes, What action the mods...

    Will the following language be considered abusive, useless rants~ if Yes, What action the mods can take? Illogical, senseless, irrational chest thumping out of nothing but jingoistic nationalism. The attackers had fricking rocket launchers. They weren't locals doing some...
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