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  1. M

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    This thread was opened for a special reason by me. For me, the Kashmir issue is not something distant and remote happening to a third person. It's real and personal and something that affects me in a direct sense. The question I posed to Pakistanis was around the treatment of non-muslims...
  2. M

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Pakistanis on this board claim that the entire Indian state of J&K should become part of their country. This is the maximalist position taken and of course, this means the largest possible territorial acquisition for that country. In this thread, we are going to run a thought experiment...
  3. M

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    I agree with you here. India does indeed recognize Pakistan's sovereignty. Caveat being, as a fresh state after Mar 26, 1971. I think you are trying to say that this created a precedent of sorts. Am I getting you right? Non sequitur - it does not follow. Just proves that earlier...
  4. M

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    AFAIK, after the fall of Dhaka, (rump state of formerly western) Pakistan withdrew all embassy staff. The chanceries at Mumbai (then Bombay) and Delhi were evacuated and full relations were restored in August 1974. The chanceries were then given to the new embassy staff. This is something...
  5. M

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    It is not automatic like you imply. India is required, as is Bangladesh to ratify that they recognize the successor state as such. Like I mention, in this case, we have no incentive to comply. Good counterpoint. Again, India has chosen out of goodwill, to adhere to the IWT even during wars...
  6. M

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Well, if the Pakistanis want to hold us to the book, we can play the same game just as well. There's no such thing as a NOC that applies to international disputes. From what I understand, UN resolution 47 refers to two parties as defined by that date in 21 Apr 1948. Of those two parties...
  7. M

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    The UN resolution referred to an undivided Pakistan that was a different entity than it is today. The successors to that Pakistan is today's Bangladesh and what remains of western Pakistan and calls itself Pakistan today. So any reference to that resolution is inadmissible today since the...
  8. M

    India Must Make Peace With Pakistan to Stop Terrorism

    Just imagine a case where India does give in to this demand, for argument's sake. The Lashkars will then become heros in Pakistan. They will strut around saying - 'It was *us*. We made the great India bow down'. And demand power. The extreme rightwing nuts among them, i.e the Ghazwa-e-Hind and...
  9. M

    India Must Make Peace With Pakistan to Stop Terrorism

    At no point should India ever agree to anything from anyone including Pakistan at gunpoint. If the condition is that terrorism will only be stopped if X concession is made by India, then this will not stop at X. X today will be Kashmir, tomorrow it will something else. You don't stop a...
  10. M

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    And once whatever it is that is their objective is achieved, these "freedom fighters" (aka terrorists in the rest of the civilized world) will put down their guns and pick up plowshares, right? Exactly which part of the world has such a thing happened?
  11. M

    Kashmirs Difficult Choice

    That's great news. Does that include the Hindu Butt Sahabs who are Pandits too? So if people like me become Pakistanis, we will get 100% rights including the right to hold the highest office of the country etc., not to mention economic and social benefits, correct?
  12. M

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    While Pakistan as a nation can lay claim to any piece of territory, it needs also to provide a business case to the people living there as to why they should consider this claim favourably. My issue is not with your official position. I merely contend that people like me, who are...
  13. M

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    I seriously do not know who you are talking about since I have never posted here before. You may PM me and I'll be happy to put your doubts to rest. Also, Abu, please note that my question remains unanswered. It is my assertion that Pakistan has nothing to offer non-muslim Kashmiris like...
  14. M

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Thank you for being honest and confessing that Pakistan can offer absolutely NOTHING (your words) to any Kashmiri who is not a particular type (Sunni) of muslim. Ergo, if I were to become a Pakistani citizen, I can expect to become a second-class citizen. The problem is in your eye - it...
  15. M

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Dear Pakistani friends, I'm a Kashmiri Pandit myself. Hindu and Kashmiri, roots in Baramulla. My father and my uncles all had to leave the valley and live in Pune because of the constant harassment and threats from militants and Hurriyat types. We still own land there and my ancestral house...
  16. M

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Dear Pakistani friends, I'm a Kashmiri Pandit myself. Hindu and Kashmiri, roots in Baramulla. My father and my uncles all had to leave the valley and live in Pune because of the constant harassment and threats from militants and Hurriyat types. We still own land there and my ancestral house...
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