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  1. Muhammad-Bin-Qasim

    Abdul Qadeer in Newsweek... Good Article

    Pakistan’s nuclear program has always been a target for Western propaganda and false accusations. I would like to make it clear that it was an Indian nuclear explosion in May 1974 that prompted our nuclear program, motivating me to return to Pakistan to help create a credible nuclear deterrent...
  2. Muhammad-Bin-Qasim

    Saleem Shahzad Interview...

    Check it out... and comment about whats this guy's angle? I disagree with part of his analysis which are total fabrications... mixed in with half truths you have to be very analytical to understand what he is saying... anyone got more info on this guy feel free to PM me... someone on the...
  3. Muhammad-Bin-Qasim

    Pakistan, the World and Obama’s victory over Osama

    Pakistan, the World and Obama’s victory over Osama A. B. Qazi and M. Shafique* Pakistan, the World and Obama’s victory over Osama A. B. Qazi and M. Shafique* The event of 9/11 shocked the world when US jetliners taking off from US soil hit two of their landmarks, one the symbol of...
  4. Muhammad-Bin-Qasim

    Pakistan to compensate victims of March 17th drone attack!!!

    Pakistan to compensate victims of March 17 drone attack | Pakistan | DAWN.COM This is making me so sad... A friend commented on this story on Facebook... North Waziristan government administrator Mohammad Asghar said the heirs of the dead, in accordance with Islamic tradition, would each...
  5. Muhammad-Bin-Qasim

    Power is for Allah

    Assalam o Alaikum... Thought all my brothers and sisters will like this... Please share with friends and families... If only these tyrants, kings and dictators realized this... the whole world would be a better place...
  6. Muhammad-Bin-Qasim

    Survey on Caliphate in Pakistan

    Ab Tail Dekho Aur Tail Ki Dhar Dekho... (pardon the pun) Majority in Pakistan want Caliphate... Daily Express News Story
  7. Muhammad-Bin-Qasim

    For All America Lovers!!!

    The one thing that first struck me on this forum was how much LOVE certain people have for America here... having the server on which the forum is based in America kinda made it easy to understand... One sided narrative is always deceptive... and for some Muslims in America, life can be turned...
  8. Muhammad-Bin-Qasim

    some of Gaddafi's British connections!!!

    See how Britain supported this scumbag Gaddafi... Useful idiots my foot!!! Libya: Colonel Gadaffi's links to London School of Economics' spy masters | Mail Online
  9. Muhammad-Bin-Qasim

    Hindu Holy Men Behind Terrorist Attacks!!!!

    Speaks for itself guys... Read it and dont be shocked!!! Hindu holy man reveals truth of terror attacks blamed on Muslims - Asia, World - The Independent
  10. Muhammad-Bin-Qasim

    Zaid Hamid and his team

    I know I know, there are numerous threads discussing Zaid Hamid on this forum... But this issue that I have become aware of recently warranted me to open a new thread... So bear with me and spread the word around... I have talked about Zaid Hamid's economic terrorism series in the past and have...
  11. Muhammad-Bin-Qasim

    Wikileaks analysis from a Pakistani perspective

    Listen carefully, he mentions the army also and his comment is pretty much the same as mine that I made a few days ago on this forum... Feel free to comment and discuss... Enjoy... http://www.*******.com/video/zwOCpgyD/Wikileaks_Comment.html
  12. Muhammad-Bin-Qasim

    somebody got slapped in the face... ouch!!!

    A friend from Sweden sent me this news item... I am at a loss as to which direction the great US of A is heading... FBI plant banned by mosque – because he was too extreme - Americas, World - The Independent down it seems...
  13. Muhammad-Bin-Qasim

    Documentary on Bosnia

    A friend of mine Aki Nawaz has made this documentary... Some parts of it show the brutality of the Serbs first hand so it is not for the faint hearted... Feel free to discuss dear friends and foes... Bosnia- A Painful Peace Part 1- uncensored version on Vimeo
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