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    Angelina Jolie In Pakistan

    ubelievable how a little collagen injected in the lips and a nose job will have ppl drooling over an entertainer.
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    Hindu Mythology cartoons maybe banned in Pakistan

    again advocating for a closed off mentality where no one can question things, everyone has to take every fed thing to them just as it is. the European Renaissance occurred only after they started questioning the Church. Before that Galileo was threatened by the Church to take back his...
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    Hindu Mythology cartoons maybe banned in Pakistan

    by the way i am not provoking religious bigotry. i GENUINELY want an explanation from their viewpoint. hindus claim a lot of karishma. why can't i ask them for details?
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    Hindu Mythology cartoons maybe banned in Pakistan

    still, i find it hard to believe that a man can have an elephant's head and stay that way. and also a god who couldn't find a human head everywhere he looked. such an obvious pointing flaw in the religion itself.
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    Angelina Jolie In Pakistan

    its good that she is helping the flood victims. but she is only doing her job. if she doesn't do her job, the UN will sack her from her position and replace her with somebody else. its that simple. she is only doing her job. and yes i agree, this President is not an angel, but like Americans...
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    Hindu Mythology cartoons maybe banned in Pakistan

    yes its all eid and well-wishes until the next ayodhya/bombay/gujrat riots, wherever they may be started next time.
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    Angelina Jolie In Pakistan

    angelina jolie is nothing more than an entertainer. an entertainer's job is to provide entertainment thru their antics.
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    Hindu Mythology cartoons maybe banned in Pakistan

    i dont understand this Western/christian/sri lankan tamil/hindu obsession with Eid. Islam is not just about eids. it is so much more than that. there's fasting and hajj and zakat and salat. u never hear any non-muslim wishing ramazan mubarak.
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    Hindu Mythology cartoons maybe banned in Pakistan

    I am just asking for an explanation. not religious bigotry. please explain why he couldn't find a human head for his son when he was looking everywhere for a human head? if he was a real god why couldn't he find a head? is it medically possible for a man to have an elephant head?
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    Top US commander: Burning Quran endangers troops

    This Church only reveals their own intolerance and racism.
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    I think indian occupation of kashmir is a hindu crime against humanity. in order to become the greatest democracy in the world, india should let kashmiris choose via a UN administered plebiscite.
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    I will follow orders of the President, not PM : Irfan Qadir'

    Why is india so interested in pakistani affairs? they should go look into their own country's matters. We are a sovereign nation and this is our internal affair.
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    Hindu Mythology cartoons maybe banned in Pakistan

    ofcourse the palestinian is downgrading jews.... they destroyed her homeland, killed off families, used bullets to kill children throwing stones at IDF forces, cut off food and medical supplies. or have you conveniently chosen to forget that FACT. the most frustrating thing about indians is...
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    Hindu Mythology cartoons maybe banned in Pakistan

    personal harsh attack. post will be deleted
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    India PM says China wants foothold in South Asia

    typical closed off mentality. Pakistan didn't ask india to donate. pakistan only accepted indian donations because obama said so. its very frustrating to see indians using argumentum ad nauseam for everything, been taught to use invincible ignorance (search google invincible ignorance) when...
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    Hindu Mythology cartoons maybe banned in Pakistan

    Probably trying to stop some propaganda or trying to start a propaganda, take your pick. I was watching a hindu cartoon one day (didn't know it was a hindu cartoon), admiring the drawing which seems very different to american cartoons just like manga is. my baby sister asked me to please...
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