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  1. A

    Russia, Iran, Iraq, Greece no longer 'national threat' to Turkey

    About genocide! You claimed that some volunteers from Greece take part at the masaceur of Srebrenica...I don't know. Lets suppose that you have right. They were indepedent peoples and if they take part, they take as individuals. Many Turks are fighters of Al-Qaeda, but noone says that...
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    Russia, Iran, Iraq, Greece no longer 'national threat' to Turkey

    Too much MIT in here... Look guys, Turkey is a country created by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in 1922. I believe that it is a country - morphoma, created by the western countries and i believe that is gonna be part again as i said in 3 counties (Kurdistan,Anatolia and Ionia). Believe it or not...
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    Russia, Iran, Iraq, Greece no longer 'national threat' to Turkey

    World is not the Wild West with the cowboys and the gun fighters... World must be the place who everyone respect human rights and obey to international laws. For sure,Turkey is a country that don't respect that and act like:taz:
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    Russia, Iran, Iraq, Greece no longer 'national threat' to Turkey

    Even Bankrupt, Greece has better level of living than Turkey... See my post in "Turkey vs Greece" about GDP per capita. Turkey has huge army and its own people live in low level conditions specially in villages. Also i have seen the level of the army!!! Even in peace period, the human life...
  5. A

    Russia, Iran, Iraq, Greece no longer 'national threat' to Turkey

    If the "threats" are less now, then why Ankara announce the huge ,50 Billion $ program for arms and defence?
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