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  1. stormyboy

    Pakistan to train Afghan military officials

    anyways,,in my opinion we should not be helping anybody but only ourself.
  2. stormyboy

    Pakistan to train Afghan military officials

    i could say many thing,,but let just move on :)
  3. stormyboy

    Pakistan to train Afghan military officials

    sadly brother,, i can't tell you to grow up cuz you have probably grown to the fullest.
  4. stormyboy

    Pakistan to train Afghan military officials

    there is coverage on USA too...does this mean we feel agressive and care about ethnic issue in USA?
  5. stormyboy

    Pakistan to train Afghan military officials

    those who insult pakistan are tajik,hazara,uzbek,pashtun ect....just that pashtun are abit more agressive cuz of durrand line issue.
  6. stormyboy

    Pakistan to train Afghan military officials

    are you not the 38 year old man who was giving a thumbs up to those racist boys yesterday?
  7. stormyboy

    Pakistan to train Afghan military officials

    not in this forum,,but go to videos about pakistan and you see all this ppl,,most pakistani proabably is laughing cuz we do not even knowing about such ethnic group,,and they come and insult us?
  8. stormyboy

    Pakistan to train Afghan military officials

    i'm commenting on pakistani ppl in general,,does many pakistani care/know about afghans? c'mon dude....do ppl really care about ethnic groups in afghanistan...i knowing you trying to be nice...but truth can not change.
  9. stormyboy

    Pakistan to train Afghan military officials

    i swear by Allah and Quran we pakistani ppl do not care about afghanistan,,,wallah! most pakistani do not even knowing the ethnic groups such as "tajik","hazara","uzbek"...we only knowing name of ethnic "pashtun" cuz we also have pashtun in pakistan. if you speak to normal pakistani ppl they...
  10. stormyboy

    Pakistan to train Afghan military officials

    i wish it was stance of pakistani state,,we the ppl do not want anything to do with afghanistan,,but our goverment is keep being involved in afghanistan mess,,,we want to move forward and help greatful,loyal and honest ppl....we want to be helping our own ppl. pakistan goverment does not...
  11. stormyboy

    Pakistan to train Afghan military officials

    do pakistanis like to be back stabbed? it seem like pakistanis are asking to be backstabbed
  12. stormyboy

    if i remove my post,,,the truth will remain truth

    if i remove my post,,,the truth will remain truth
  13. stormyboy

    World sees new super power.

    congratulations to our chinese brothers :cheers:
  14. stormyboy

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    DAMN!! Why does shoe always miss target??!!
  15. stormyboy

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    who start the show throwing trend? the iraqi man?
  16. stormyboy

    Your favorite English songs

    It have some english words :whistle:...but mostly Punjabi
  17. stormyboy

    Pak, Israel on way to establish diplomatic ties

    pakistan will being most beneficial from this friendship with israel.,todat israel is HUGE HOUSE power...if we(and more muslim nation) develop friendship with israel,then israel will feel less insecure and feeling more safe!! this way we can make stituation easier for palestinan brothers &...
  18. stormyboy

    India offers $5m aid to flood-hit in Pakistan

    $5 million is alot of moneys! maybe for you and i this is about pride....but this money is help many poor ppl devstated by flood....we can repay india with intrest...but at the moment we needing this money for our people!! pakistanis are dying and crying we need all the helping we can get...
  19. stormyboy

    Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees

    do afghan women have a fetish for wealthy men?
  20. stormyboy

    Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees

    Yep...because you are more into young boys ;) I even seen a video about bacha bazi and some afghan/pashtun was blaming peshwaris
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