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    CHINA- emerging Superpower

    That was your question..Your test on me..You thought i was Cantonese and from hong kong. I didn't know what you were talking about. But in china there is a highway ah3. So i answered the question, and you said it was wrong and i'm not Chinese according to you.. now I told a dumb idiot like you...

    CHINA- emerging Superpower

    for an Cantonese like yourself. You actually think you represent Chinese.. You are so delusional. To you a northern like me is not Chinese but an Cantonese like yourself is.. LOLOLOL

    CHINA- emerging Superpower

    how ah3 is mandarin you retard... That was your question..don't lie dummy. Even tho you blind and stupid, brotherhood at beginning already told you i'm Chinese. You choose to be stupid.

    CHINA- emerging Superpower

    I'm not from Hong Kong you retard..I not Cantonese or speak Cantonese you borderline dimwit. I'm a northern Chinese. So you used a stupid question that is from Hong Kong with relation to Cantonese to judge who is Chinese? You are pretty stupid. So I stand corrected, you don't represent Chinese...

    How long will Russia last?

    Jesus..it's hard to read your incoherent message with bad grammar. I think the British did a bad job on you. No need for excuses..WE still know you are stupid. Manufacture is no big deal to sub-human Indian with an average of IQ 83 like you, and that is why you are 4 time poorer than a...

    How long will Russia last?

    I never said they are not smart..is that they don't do any R&D and you just hit the nail with with "brain drain." Now you can give yourself a pad on the back.

    How long will Russia last?

    Because English is the language of the trade retard..So you telling me you are the sweet child of us(chinese) , British, Persian, the Pakistani, the Turks, and the Arab? You need to learn English for business around the world. an low IQ (81) Indian like you, that can't find condom your...

    How long will Russia last?

    No I think he is a Indian..I used to debate with many Indian..They all have the same characteristic, and everyone knows Indian like to use the word "buddy." along with the word "buddy" they like to bring up jap when debating with chinese. they like brag a lots of craps (example the best/better...

    How long will Russia last?

    Your link is 2006 retard...Owned!.. my link is 2010 and it poof your wrong.. What happen still no IT after 4 year..Give it up retard.. here a clue, if their IT were any good why -9% gdp grown last year? your other link doesn't even work. either you are every nervous around me or you just...
  10. LOLLOL

    How long will Russia last?

    we won our war with the jap our record against them is 3 to 1..unlike Indian that was found by British on a tree and raped into a sub-human today. That's why your national language is English. " India has the longest uninterrupted history of military defeats at hands of foreigners(the British...
  11. LOLLOL

    How long will Russia last?

    yeah, china communist is richer than you and live longer than you. here is your dick, keep bragging. here Indian midget.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_height China 173cm (5.85 ft) (2008 Measured) Indian 1.645cm (5 ft 5 ft) (2007 Measured) No, but your women still sleeping with...
  12. LOLLOL

    How long will Russia last?

    Of course China willing to buy from anyone that willing to sell but US and EU have an arms embargo on China.
  13. LOLLOL

    How long will Russia last?

    When did I said that? maybe you'are too stupid to read. I already poof that you are stupid.. You are an Indian behind a s/n, you should know what shame is. You don't know anything about Russia or their history. You just too ashame of being Indian. I would too If i was you. Noone wants to be...
  14. LOLLOL

    How long will Russia last?

    first you asked a stupid question that doesn't made any sense. You now making stuff up and changing subject and posting link that support my point of view. I starting to think you an Indian hiding behind the s/n only Indian with an average IQ 81 can be this stupid. Well guess what dummy, you...
  15. LOLLOL

    How long will Russia last?

    russia is a resource exporter..my point proven right again Modernizing Russia?s economy... and politics - By David J. Kramer | Shadow Government
  16. LOLLOL

    How long will Russia last?

    Because China doesn't have any choice. Use those junks and die in million of men or fight with stick and stone. You think china would buy those junks if it wasn't for Eu and US arms embargo?
  17. LOLLOL

    How long will Russia last?

    What's there to take advantage of? Russia is a waste land that freeze your butt off. Your link support me, and it doesn't have anything do with your argument. You're a resources exporter that's a fact! "Russia's economy is still stuck in its dependence on energy, sending natural gas to...
  18. LOLLOL

    CHINA- emerging Superpower

    because you're weak that is why..If all Chinese were like you, China would be controlled by japan by now. You either stand up and fight your enemy or you allow people to walk all over you. So shut your hole, you don't represent Chinese in here.
  19. LOLLOL

    How long will Russia last?

    Stop being a tool, why don't you ask the mods if I'm Chinese or not. and what is that particular background and nationality you are talking about?? care to tell all of us genius?
  20. LOLLOL

    How long will Russia last?

    believe what you want..an illogic person like you don't believe who I am then that's just good for me. Russia is not a market for Chinese arms..You too uneducated for me to reply. I think i will be lowing my IQ if i continue with you. You can't type a coherent and logic sentence to save your...
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