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  1. D

    Unique exercise to test US-Russia hijack response

    That's cool. Hopefully we can have a US-Russia War drill down the line.
  2. D

    How stupid are Americans ?

    As long as we have the joking thing established, then yeah, it's pretty amusing.
  3. D

    How stupid are Americans ?

    I second that.
  4. D

    The Iraq War is over, USA heading home.

    It's too early to determine whether this war was a success or a failure. If there are still American bases there and the Iraqui Gov't has become stable and democratic a few years from now, then one can say that the war was a success. If somehow enemies take over the Iraqui Gov't and remove the...
  5. D

    US has plan to attack Iran if needed

    We have a plan to basically attack every country. Read up on the color-coded plans (link) . I wouldn't be suprised if we have something like that today for any country we saw as a threat. It's planning ahead. I don't think this administration would be dense enough to attack Iran. I remember Bush...
  6. D

    43% Americans feel US made mistake by sending troops to Afghan

    Americans were pretty much riled-up and knew someome was going to get their bum kicked. It's pretty uncommon for the US to suffer an attack from a foreign government. I'm not suprised by the results. Public support tends to worsen as a war drags on.
  7. D

    Obama: 'Nothing new' in Wikileaks Afghan records leak

    To be honest I don't see the the US-Pakistan relationship developing into a "special" one compared to what we have with the UK and Israel, or as close as with countries generally known as the "West" ie. France, Australia, Spain, etc.. Our interests just do not match-up for the long term. We...
  8. D

    Leakers belong in jail, says US lawmaker

    Probably next time Wikileaks can reveal documents about the Taliban's frame of thought, eh? ;)
  9. D

    Wikileaks : Secret Afghanistan War logs

    This leak only verifies what analysists have been saying for many years now: (1) that this war seems unwinnable, (2) that Iran and some elements of Pakistan may be helping the Taliban (3) that many war crimes have gone unnoticed, etc. It just gives us an in-depth look at them. Overall I...
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