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  1. V

    Iran Supporting & Arming the Taliban

    The leak documents were dating back to 2004. If ISI/PA is not supporting taliban now, it will not affect what has happened in the past. I hope white house would invite intelligent people take strong action against ISI/PA officials who kill US soldiers.
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    A "white lie = black truth". if so, in 60 years, "azad kashmiris" would have their own constitution and India would have kashmiri representatives to negotiate with. However, we are negotiating with Pakistanis.
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    There are pros in cons of everything. so if you oppose congress, you do progress.:cheesy:
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    All stones are with security forces. we need money to buy stones from them.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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    Indian ICBM program

    U have to be a good boy with those tech in your pocket to use it at appropriate time. Sensible use of everything is benificial and brings respect. If you know how ICBM works, you would know that you have to design a capcule with capability of re-entry in the atmosphere. Read between the lines...
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    The Shiv Sena problem

    Just :sniper: shiv sena. who cares about them? I don't.
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    Ka-226 successfully completes hot weather tests in India

    It is made for ugly jobs mate!!!:rofl::yahoo::partay:
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    Indian ICBM program

    If you have ICBM, you earn respect among G's contries. We had Panchsheel program which failed in 1962. History says "war is worshiped". Heros are are those who fought great battles. ICBM is todays need. It will encourage scientists and engineers to work harder in space industry.
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