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  1. RollingStones

    ISRO to conduct GSLV test flight in 2012 with Russian cryogenic stage engin

    Chinese and Indians have integrated well with American culture than other Asians have. I see examples everywhere - from politics to Hollywood. Not sure why Chinese and Indians are putting each other down here. Also, Chinese members on this forum definitely lack English comprehension and...
  2. RollingStones

    Chinese police 'raid Tibetan monastery

    wow...this thread should come with a warning: viewer discretion or something like that. The pictures are gruesome.
  3. RollingStones

    China takes rights activists into custody

    My biggest learning from this forum/thread: insane denial, character vilification and refusal (with a passion, might I add) to discuss issues threadbare clearly show mainland Chinese are still shackled and continue to be intellectually imprisoned. I am also learning how Chinese debate and argue...
  4. RollingStones

    China speaks better English than India, says study

    Communist China, let culture, colors and emotions persist in your nation. Bring a bit of cheer to your people. Driving on 6 lane highways in metal junks and spending 12 hours a day under industrial strength roofs is all great but dont lose your appreciation for liberty, values and cultural...
  5. RollingStones

    China speaks better English than India, says study

    I have no "probrem" with that. Just kidding.
  6. RollingStones

    India Developing, but still a long way to go

    No point despairing. Fight to get the overseas money back and punish the big guys. There is no point going after little people. Get the big kahunas first and other pieces of the puzzle will fall into place. India unfortunately is in the most unstable/poorest region of the world - South Asia. But...
  7. RollingStones

    India Developing, but still a long way to go

    I am sorry that you dont understand the massive people to people contacts that Americans have with Indians. Contacts are at the individual level, small business level, large business level, investor level - banks, VCs, PE etc. The interdependencies are massive. You need to understand that India...
  8. RollingStones

    India Developing, but still a long way to go

    When will you ever get that its the people, the working conditions, the living conditions and entrepreneurial, governance and cultural spirit that matter and not just neon lighted buildings? Come to Las Vegas - you cant beat its buildings and lighting. But, how many want to live there? Go to the...
  9. RollingStones

    China takes rights activists into custody

    BS...you dont say anything an American would say. You just cannot be an American. I can bet my bottom dollar you are not an American.
  10. RollingStones

    China takes rights activists into custody

    I'll take Obamabam's advice and refrain from entertaining you any more. First of all I am NOT an Indian American but I am a 3rd generation American. But, in short, anyone as arrogant as you are can never be an American. I refuse to believe you are an American. If you are...no you cannot be. You...
  11. RollingStones

    China takes rights activists into custody

    You are right. There is no winning an argument with C-D, I guess. I cant believe I tried to explain all that. What a waste.
  12. RollingStones

    China takes rights activists into custody

    So, you are just a damn communist plant in America taking refuge in positive reinforcements of your self-beliefs? So, why are you here again?There goes another one.
  13. RollingStones

    China takes rights activists into custody

    Dude, are you on medication or something? I am yet to meet someone who is as ignorant as you are. Or, are you just filling up space here? I am starting to believe some Indian friends' accusations that you may be getting paid for posting your crap. I mean some of your posts are beyond...
  14. RollingStones

    China takes rights activists into custody

    Go get an education dude and get out of Morgantown. If you are an American, then start acting like one. Be free, be brave, and be cool - lose your arrogance. If you are not, then I'll understand.
  15. RollingStones

    China takes rights activists into custody

    BS...there is something in English called a context. Go read the full context and the qualifications I used there. Do you get the meaning of all these terms or do I have to say more? How much can one make a fool of oneself? Arent you getting disgusted by now? Chinese when I said that had a...
  16. RollingStones

    China takes rights activists into custody

    sigh...what a tool.
  17. RollingStones

    China takes rights activists into custody

    I dont go by who you are. I dont care if you are from Mars. What you say is what I go by. By that Chinese-Dragon, even if you put the flag of Uranus on your profile - you remain one and only one thing - an indentured fool incapable of analyzing debates and sucking a lot on English comprehension...
  18. RollingStones

    China takes rights activists into custody

    Pakistanis despite being killed by mercenaries still speak more freely than the shackled Chinese here. If anything, Chinese on this forum need to learn from some Pakistanis and their ministers who have stood up for civil liberties, and in the process have been assassinated - in some cases...
  19. RollingStones

    China takes rights activists into custody

    What has Mr. Ai's fame or lack of fame got to do with his individual rights as a Chinese citizen to ask for more civil liberties? Attacking the persona of people asking for more civil liberties is an age old communist trick. If you think we'll fall for that kind of garbage, you are very mistaken.
  20. RollingStones

    Newsweek on Americans: How Dumb Are We?

    You are a joker. More than half of America was against Bush. And that's why the Republicans are out of office. The people also have voted in a new breed among the Republicans themselves who are taking the nation along the right path now, cutting spending etc. If you think American people wont...
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