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  1. Silver-Scorpion

    India, Pakistan tone down Wagah border show

    That was a decision to save our soldiers from a needless fight because we had lost the support of East Pakistan(Bangladesh). Do you remember 1948(We gained Azad Kashmir) and 1965(Our Air Force completely dominated your military)? :yahoo:
  2. Silver-Scorpion

    The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

    GoP may have never stated independence of Kashmir openly but I am sure that is a much better option than Kashmir being under Indian control, mainly because of water issues. Another thing is that Pakistanis are not unaware of Kashmiris wanting independence. Most ideally they would want Kashmir...
  3. Silver-Scorpion

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    This is off topic but so was this post quoted above. I just wanted to say that the link you provided about this Kashmiri guy, a doctor and the first ever Kashmiri who topped the civil service exam in India had his father assassinated(this is written in the article for which the link is provided...
  4. Silver-Scorpion

    The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

    Already on page 89 and still growing. I don't know how humans ever agreed on issues and formed civilizations...quite an achievement for such stubborn species. Pakistanis want Kashmir and so do the Indians. How about we stop thinking about what we want and let the Kashmiris decide for...
  5. Silver-Scorpion

    Bangladesh-Pakistan Defence Relations

    Well I personally have nothing against Indians and I don't think most Pakistanis have anything against Indians as well, its just that due to the harsh beginnings and the subsequent wars, its natural to see India as a threat. In fact I have a lot of Indian friends. It's just India is the only...
  6. Silver-Scorpion

    Ahmadis in Pakistan

    I don't think we should fight over whether they are Muslims or not instead we should focus on getting rid of the internal problems and hatred that is the result of the actions of extremists. The point is that Islam doesn't tell us to go out and persecute the non-Muslims. When Prophet...
  7. Silver-Scorpion

    The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

    Well then by that same logic why don't you go and jump off a building if He wishes for you to live, u would live. My point is that our actions also play a role. We must work for what we want. So for the sake of Kashmiris both India and Pakistan must work together.
  8. Silver-Scorpion

    The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

    I think that the best solution for Kashmir is either scenario 4 or 7. Here are the reasons: There are a lot protests in Indian controlled Kashmir almost everyday over many issues and India spends a lot of money to maintain military in the region to keep order, whereas this is not an issue...
  9. Silver-Scorpion

    Separatist Insurgencies in India - News and Discussions.

    A fact is something that is always true. So how could this be a fact that nobody on this planet can change the current borders of India. It happened most recently in 1947 and has happened countless times in history, so why can't it happen in the future??
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