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  1. J

    Pakistan's 'secret' war in Baluchistan

    A lot of Balochs have not forgotten the murder of elder Bugti. Though, how they justify killing an academic is unfathomable.
  2. J

    ICC 2010 Twenty20 World Cup THREAD

    I think Banga Desh may actually beat Australia today! That will put Aus, Pak & BD in a fight for the 2 Super8 slots
  3. J

    Car bomb almost goes off in NYC

    Al Qaeda and Lashkari-e-Toiba and Hamas have ensured that rest of the world will look at muslims with suspicion. ISI has made sure that Pakistanis will be looked at with suspicion for covert and overt support of Al Qaeda and LeT. So what is a Pakistani muslim to do? Twice confounded. Some of...
  4. J

    The Reality of US Aid to Pakistan

    On the original topic of 10B aid to Pakistan I have a question. I only read the first post which has an exhaustive article explaining what happened to the money. The biggest item of about 6B is said to be re-imbursement for Pakistan army's involvement in the war on terror. My question is, why...
  5. J

    Pakistan And India-Water Disputes-News And Updates

    Call me a dove, call me a hawk - whatever, I am an Indian. My culture which includes my religion, teaches me and I fully believe that I will not be happy if we all are flourishing and healthy while our neighbors, even if some of them hate us, are dying of thirst and famine. IF we had 100% of...
  6. J

    India, Pakistan decide to resume dialogue at ministers' level

    In my view, even if 'talks' don't immediately result in specific results, just the fact that the two parties are meeting is better than diplomacy by press. Without such talks, public are more easily mislead by extremist elements interpreting events to them.
  7. J

    India, Pakistan decide to resume dialogue at ministers' level

    I hope at least this time the peace talks result in true lasting peace. Oh by the way, :welcome: to myself!
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