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    India tests 'pilot-less planes' for anti-Naxal ops

    Terrorists brainwashed with Maoism should be eliminated at first hand opportunity... They are the gravest danger for India. I belong to one of the states that has severaly affected by these maoists... Use of such UAVs is really a good step by Indian GOVT in their attempt to eliminate these...
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    Indian Cryogenic Engine GSLV D3 Failed

    It's Science that of Space which is pretty out of your knowledge... It's Ok we are failed this time, don't worry you will be spitting venom next year when we will be successfully launching the second GSLV D3... Hopefully your GOVT will keep an option open for launching your satellite onboard...
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    Indian Space Capabilities

    Best of Luck to ISRO for their marvelous attempt to prove the world that India is still in the Super Power Race. Nothing can STOP us on our way to Success. :cheers:
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