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  1. Flayre

    Which country are you from?

    Here to represent. :) :pakistan:
  2. Flayre

    Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan

    6:28. Truly a sad thing.
  3. Flayre

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    As for the future of Kashmir? I personally liked Bezerk's Scenario 7: The Chenab formula. I think it's the best way to go because the idea of a free and independent Kashmir sounds quite impossible. Works best if Pakistan gets the Muslim majority parts and India keeps the rest. Then free...
  4. Flayre

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    No, we are saying that they died because of kidney, liver and other bodily failures due to being fed crushed glass in their breads, due to being fed metal dust in their waters, and due to being fed some of the most mal-nutritious food that the Indian government could find. Do not even try to...
  5. Flayre

    Picture of #4 Ship of PN F-22P

    Not that great, size is only 204x346
  6. Flayre

    Arab World Importance

    Ehh, I don't know. A union of Muslim countries spearheaded by the more advanced nations like Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Malaysia and Indonesia doesn't sound too bad. With the money that some of these countries have, the technology that others have and the ambitions some of them harbor, it could...
  7. Flayre

    Russia Offer Development of Advanced RADARs to India

    As the race in the Indian Air Force's $10-billion tender for 126 combat jets reached the crucial stage of flight trials, Russia, on top of a full technology transfer, is offering India help in building its own advanced radar. This would put India in the elite league of manufacturers of some of...
  8. Flayre

    Was it possible.

    Ahh, so in the end. There is no winner. No matter which country wins, humanity, as a race, will have lost. The stakes are truly high. And, for this deal that never went through, shouldn't there be some kind of contract for it? Seems like a pretty obvious thing to do if you're going to...
  9. Flayre

    Was it possible.

    Hmm, I see. In response to your earlier post, hadn't the French chosen to not give us their avionics because of Indian opposition? And also, the war will probably not last long. Many of the major players in the war are nuclear powers and, as Israel has already promised, if they find themselves...
  10. Flayre

    Was it possible.

    Majority of the world will go where US goes, not necessarily fight though. If Israel fights, this will give a chance to Egypt and Syria and Jordan and Iran to fight as well. Turkey will maybe try to negotiate peace but that probably won't work. This time, backed by Iran, maybe Egypt, Syria...
  11. Flayre

    Was it possible.

    Dude, every time I refresh the page theres like something more added on to your post. Lol. And yeah, I think we are headed in the right direction. But at a very slow pace, we have so much more potential. Our side: Pakistan, Turkey, China, KSA, and USA (undependable) Other side: India, Israel...
  12. Flayre

    Was it possible.

    I don't believe that they are any "solid relations" between the US and Pakistan. The US funds us, helps us, uses us only when it needs us and then when we are no longer needed, we are again discarded. And yes, although I do think that it could be highly rewarding to NATO to have Pakistan as a...
  13. Flayre

    Was it possible.

    I think you believe that the US is here to support Pakistan and arm it to even out the odds with India. Unfortunately, that is not so. As was evident when India was given a nuclear deal that was clearly denied to Pakistan. Also, the US is only here for as long as the terrorists are. We aren't...
  14. Flayre

    The Gitmo-ISI affair

    My friend, I believe it is imperative that we not pass judgement upon something that we have no information on. After all, I do not know the ISI's agenda. Nor do you. Nor does anybody, but the ISI. There is always a grander scheme, perhaps this does play in favor of the ISI's grander scheme...
  15. Flayre

    Who is SALT ??

    My friend, it was a joke. I was playing upon the whole Russian spy thing. Cheer up.
  16. Flayre

    America attacks Pakistan; Turkey attacks America

    Not only is the notion of the US attacking Pakistan improbable, but the idea of Turkey riding into the battlefield as Pakistan's knight in shining armor is even more ridiculous. First, why would the US attack Pakistan? The Pakistani government is already a "puppet government" to the US. The US...
  17. Flayre

    Who is SALT ??

    It's Anna Chapman.
  18. Flayre

    Are Indian Cities Safe for Western Women or Women in General?

    Yeah. It's not that big of a deal...until an American is on the receiving end. Then suddenly it becomes a sh!tstorm.
  19. Flayre

    The Drums of War? Pentagon Provokes New Crisis With China

    Yeah, there are casualties in war. But that doesn't mean they don't matter. Also, you’re missing the point. Iraq is not a nuclear power. What are you talking about? Afghanistan didn’t put up a fight? Is that why they are debating on splitting Afghanistan in to two separate nations...
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