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  1. lhuang

    pm me, im making one, just for you =]

    pm me, im making one, just for you =]
  2. lhuang

    China should develop such a paint !!!

    Glorified RAM, thats what this is :P
  3. lhuang

    Nuclear arms race between China and India

    There is no going back from a nuclear strike. If you have read Enders Saga you will know that you defeat an enemy, defeat him so he never gets up to fight you again. Obviously this is not true for India who have left Pakistan to do what they do best and have only minimum nuclear deterrence...
  4. lhuang

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Billion sons? What about the women? :P
  5. lhuang

    Few videos about Kashmirs Latest struggle.

    A question to Indians, would say a bunch of stone throwing youngins in Delhi be dealt with with the same amount of force as the Kashmiris? Would a person who attacks security forces in South India be killed too?
  6. lhuang

    Indian Army's Muslim headcount: 3%

    This is so true. The Taliban are more pious, surely killing them makes you non-Muslim by that definition.
  7. lhuang

    Nuclear arms race between China and India

    nietzche don't pursue this, he will take his anger out on the women near him. India had enough nuclear material to make 1000 nuclear bombs. This was in 1999. Today, it's 2010. Exponential growth of nuclear material availability and Mr SOCOM you're telling me that India has 75 bombs? Good...
  8. lhuang

    Afghan soldier kills 3 British troops, 5 wounded

    The Gurkhas? :O
  9. lhuang

    EADS Eurofighter in the MRCA competition Thread

    I believe the 126 number is fixed while the $10B isn't.
  10. lhuang

    Berlusconi asks ambassadors to bring pretty girls to Italy

    What an awesome leader!
  11. lhuang

    Honest Pakistani labourer returns $50,000 in cash left behind by forgetful guest

    If it was small change $50 or so, I would have taken it. But not $50000.
  12. lhuang

    '1,600 female foeticides happens in India daily'

    Ahh, this did make me smile a bit =] The irony, oh the irony.
  13. lhuang

    US to replace Russia as India’s biggest arms supplier?

    Lol the day India buys the Patriot system and the Boeing refuellers I will have a good rofl in real life. How stupid reporters can be.
  14. lhuang

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Nice extrapolation. From Kashmiris protest in Delhi against civilian killings to Kashmiris protest in Delhi against Indian State Terrorism. I believe this is what a good friend of mine calls, Lahori Logic.
  15. lhuang

    Pathetic Indian Police- FBI analysis of 26/11

    Um are you comparing WWII era bolt action rifles to modern sidearms?
  16. lhuang

    Smaller private defence companies from India

    And another Anjani Technoplast Limited | Armoring Division | Component Division and Machine Tool Division
  17. lhuang

    Smaller private defence companies from India

    Ooh, here's another one: Home
  18. lhuang

    Smaller private defence companies from India

    My friend wants me to ask this on here He recently found two small companies that have surprisingly good portfolios. Zen Technologies Limited << Makes a handheld uav thingie also produces some good personal armour etc (obviously it seems the GoI have plenty of local options to provide BPJs to...
  19. lhuang

    Turkish Land Vehicle Programs

    IIRC Carbon Boron Nitride which is an abrasive is harder. So is Diamond etc, but thats not an alloy.
  20. lhuang

    Indian RFP for six new-generation submarines

    That would be a SSBN
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