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  1. T

    Mistreatment of women in India

    Naushad mian.....there is a english word called CENSURE. Go check the Oxford dictionary....and I have used it exactly where I wanted to......and anyway I don't give a damn about your comments......since you also need proper english language lessons.......we ofcourse learn it from our press which...
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    Mistreatment of women in India

    Hey ZUZU, listen up.... 1) First learn english well if you want to talk and write properly 2) India has a free press and hence everything gets reported 3) We don't hide and censure things like China 4) You are also infamous for your tribal and backward practices including superstitions 5)...
  3. T

    Kargil: A Debacle or A Lost Opportunity?

    Bhaiya......we have the money, muscle and men.....we also have Siachin, Sachin and kashmir. Do what you have to or believe....balls to you...we don't give a damn.....just like you don't.......Like Israel we will do what we want......we don't give a damn about your opinion.....we are at a...
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Not putting it on anyone including Pakistan. All I am saying is that we don't give a damn about who is crying hoarse on or off the street. In a democracy everyone has a right to shout at the top of their voices....But the best chance is to throw out the government and elect your own people...
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Well now you know.....There are many things that you maynot know. One of them is that we Indians have had so many internal strifes since independence that we have adopted and adapted to finding a unique innovative solution to it. We had so called uprising in west bengal, then Madhya pradesh then...
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Please also accept this fact India considers Pak as a soverign country. Kashmir is part of India. We don't give a damn about what you think just the way you don't give a damn about us. No matter what India will never allow some bunch of terrorists or so called freedom fighters to take...
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    Pakistan’s nuclear and missile assets -- myth vs reality

    Well dear ****, In that case lets face some facts..... Mere numbers doesnot mean superiority.....but then if we better tech univ and scientists and money power why do you think we will be lagging behind you guys. Also please understand the Indian psyche.....we are not concerned about you...
  8. T

    'India's missile tech a decade behind that of China': expert

    we try, fail, persevere and finally succeed. Thats why we are respected......and we ignore stupid comments. You atleat need some brains to do mental masturbation....which obviously you have lost comletely
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