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  1. Cityboy

    Dr' Rehman Malik, awarded doctorate degree

    KARACHI: Interior Minister Rehman Malik on Tuesday was awarded with a doctorate degree for his services to bring peace to Karachi. Express 24/7 correspondent Ahmed Jung confirmed that Sindh Governor Ishratul Ebad Khan awarded Malik with a doctorate degree for peace. Karachi University Vice...
  2. Cityboy

    For Members from India !!!! Indian Government online Services...!!!!

    Indian Government online... Obtain: 1. Birth Certificate Obtain Birth Certificate - How do I: National Portal of India 2. Caste Certificate Obtain Caste Certificate - How do I: National Portal of India 3. Tribe Certificate Obtain a Tribe Certificate - How do I: National...
  3. Cityboy

    Chidambaram lays foundation of integrated checkpost along Bangla border

    ETRAPOLE (WB): Ahead of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's proposed visit to Bangladesh next month, Union home minister P Chidambaram on Saturday laid the foundation of a Rs 172-crore integrated checkpost along the border which would boost trade between the two countries. "It will be a historic...
  4. Cityboy


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  5. Cityboy

    Foundation course for Afghan students by India

    AHMEDABAD: Students from strife-torn Afghanistan have zeroed in on Gujarat University as their second home, at least for their academics. GU is now working on a proposal to begin a foundation course in four subjects including English, Maths and Physics for 100-odd students from Afghanistan...
  6. Cityboy

    I Am a Champion

    I am a champion - the greatest speech ever [ENG SUB]
  7. Cityboy

    Japanese nuclear disaster

    Four workers are injured after the blast It is not clear where the explosion occurred or what caused it Japan's nuclear agency says radioactive cesium is detected in the air near one plant There is a strong possibility that the melting of a fuel rod caused the leak, the agency says (CNN) --...
  8. Cityboy

    Blair 'regrets' Iraq war dead

    Blair 'regrets' Iraq war dead - Europe - Al Jazeera English Tony Blair has told an inquiry into Britain's role in the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq that he profoundly regretted the loss of life in the conflict. His remarks to the inquiry - the second time the former British prime minister...
  9. Cityboy

    Pakistanis and the Gulf states

    Pakistanis and the Gulf states – The Express Tribune The other day, a Pakistani labourer in the UAE, who reacted to an insult by making a rude gesture — extending his middle finger — was arrested, jailed for a month and awaits deportation on the completion of his sentence. When the...
  10. Cityboy

    ADB to lend $100m for power plant in Balochistan

    ADB to lend $100m for power plant in Balochistan – The Express Tribune KARACHI: The Asian Development Bank (ADB) said on Tuesday it will lend up to $100 million to UK based International Power to build a Pakistani gas-fired plant to help address the country’s energy crisis. The 404...
  11. Cityboy

    Japan , India close to nuclear accord

    The former Japanese Prime Minister, Yukio Hatoyama, on Monday said India and Japan were close to finalising a civil nuclear cooperation agreement. He also assured full help and cooperation to India in the field of nuclear power. “India and Japan have come to a stage of concluding the nuclear...
  12. Cityboy

    Naming superbug after Delhi an ‘error’, Lancet says sorry

    The editor of The Lancet, Richard Horton, has said naming a superbug after New Delhi was an “error”, and has apologised. Some Europeans returning from South Asia had been found infected with a bacteria carrying a drug-resistant gene last year, which had been named New Delhi...
  13. Cityboy

    => Mesquita predicting the world future with 90% accuracy!

    “Over the past 30 years, Bueno de Mesquita has made thousands of predictions about hundreds of issues from geopolitics to personal problems. Overall, he claims, his hit rate is about 90% accuracy!” If you listen to Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, and a lot of people don't, he'll claim that...
  14. Cityboy

    Row over Straw's remarks on British Pakistanis

    gulfnews : Row over Straw's remarks on British Pakistanis London: A row has broken out after the former UK home secretary Jack Straw said some British Pakistani men regard white girls as ‘easy meat' for sexual abuse. The Blackburn MP spoke out after two Asian men who raped and sexually...
  15. Cityboy

    Imran Khan links Blasphemy laws to War on Terro

    Imran Khan links Blasphemy laws to War on Terror – The Express Tribune ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek e Insaaf (PTI) chief, Imran Khan has said that there is a “sound reason” for the blasphemy laws legislature, and the real reason for rising terrorism being witnessed across Pakistan is...
  16. Cityboy

    ULFA ready for peace talks without preconditions: Rajkhowa

    ULFA chairman Arabinda Rajkhowa on Sunday said his outfit was ready to sit for peace talks without any preconditions for an “honourable” solution to relieve the people of Assam of their suffering. “A new chapter begins in our long struggle. As per the wishes of the National Convention, we...
  17. Cityboy

    Senior Arab officials have links with CIA, Assange claims

    Manama: Senior officials in several Arab countries have close links with the CIA and many people keep visiting US embassies in their countries to establish links with the US intelligence agency, Julian Assange, the founder of the WikiLeaks whistle-blowing website, said. “These officials are...
  18. Cityboy

    -->>EXtraordinary Talented people of THE World

    [b]1. Kim Ung-Yong: Attended University at age 4, Ph.D at age 15; World's highest IQ This Korean super-genius was born in 1962 and might just be the smartest guy alive today (he's recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as having the highest IQ of anyone on the planet). By the...
  19. Cityboy

    Major reforms on the cards to control fiscal deficit

    ISLAMABAD: With fiscal deficit going out of hand and threatening the country’s macroeconomic framework, the government will introduce in a couple of days some of the major reforms, including withdrawal of sales tax exemptions, to build on a nine-month breather allowed by the International...
  20. Cityboy

    Terrorists in the making: In the name of ‘martyrdom’

    Terrorists in the making: In the name of ?martyrdom? – The Express Tribune PESHAWAR: “You will go to heaven before any of us, if you blow up yourself the way I tell you,” Meena Gul recounted the persuasive promise of her brother, a Taliban commander. The twelve-year-old girl was...
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