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  1. Romel

    US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

    I seriously doubt the importance of this incident. The way this event is being publicized in US media (even FOX), it looks like there is another motive here. May be they used a fake prototype of the drone which does not contain the original sophisticated equips or techs; just to give a false...
  2. Romel

    The Pak-US Relationship

    Pakistan should realize these facts: 1. The US foreign policy around the world is significantly shaped by powerful influential group AIPAC. AIPAC's top priority is the interest and security of the state of Israel and maintaining strong relations between Israel and US. 2. The online...
  3. Romel

    US Wants BD to Deploy Troops in Afghanistan

    Read This : Civilian casualties of the War in Afghanistan (2001–present) See below a few contribution of their glorious "Operation Enduring Freedom" Dead bodies of three Afghan children lie on the ground at a mosque at Azizabad village after the US airstrike People of Narang...
  4. Romel

    US Wants BD to Deploy Troops in Afghanistan

    Bangladesh should NOT send troops to Afghanistan on US request. This is against people's sentiment. Civilians are killed indiscriminately in Afghanistan due to bombings from US and NATO planes and drones. They bomb everything they suspect and at will. They have bombed on civilian homes...
  5. Romel

    Bangladesh bans Islam dress code

    There is no 2nd step. It ends here. Please don't mislead people (like the intentional BBC title).
  6. Romel

    Bangladesh Air Force sends pilots for training on F-18 Jets

    garibnawaz, Very funny and interesting indeed.... You just wrote but deleted later quickly that if you were a Bangladeshi then you would think that India is going through a MMRCA program for 126 Super Hornets. Then you would also think as Bangladeshi that what BAF can do against 126 SH...
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