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  1. bali

    JuD chief Hafiz Saeed threatens 'jehad' over J&K

    Yesterday a stray dog next to my house was claiming that he will take my garden by force, he was the president of jamat-ud-dogs , . poor dog ... heard it crying , he was sterilized . :coffee:
  2. bali

    India to arm Sukhoi 30 with Brahmos missile

    dude,there are surgical strikes going on in pakistan by usa,killing pakistanis ,everyday , what full fledged war are you talking about ? surgcal strikes using sukhoi will be done against terrorists in pakistan ,the way usa is doing in pakistan, do you have any problems if terrorists...
  3. bali

    India to arm Sukhoi 30 with Brahmos missile

  4. bali

    India's reply to militants: 'Spy fidayeen bomb'

    It isnt as simple as it looks,and neither will be cheap, rs 20000 looks reasonable btw i havent seen any engg student coming up with a exploding toy
  5. bali

    India to arm Sukhoi 30 with Brahmos missile

    some prblem in control panel
  6. bali

    India to arm Sukhoi 30 with Brahmos missile

    Vinay Shukla Moscow, Feb 4 (PTI) Indian Air Force's multi-role Su-30 MKI fighters could be armed with supersonic cruise missiles by 2012, giving them the capability to strike ground targets from stand-off distance. "The work to adopt the missile for deployment on fighter is being carried...
  7. bali

    Pakistani Indian showdown inevitable in Afghanistan?

    pakistan army (not pakistani people) is a problem for india,afghanistan,iran and for whole world's peace because its closest allies are l-e-t,taliban,and all sorts of maniacs,. according to a latest survey conducted by some western agency, most the afghanis believe that India is doing...
  8. bali

    Army goes for missiles to counter enemy Fighter Aircraft and Cruise Missiles

    Mr flame ranter no 786 ,I suppose you got ur answer,. You see it wasnt me answering your post ,but someone else(krish) who gave you a quick reaction, so now go and take some fresh air , . BTW why you are talking abt some gutter of yours , when people in this thread are discussing abt QR...
  9. bali

    $650m US howitzer deal may give Army welcome firepower

    This was a necessary step ,delayed by a decade due to babudom Procurement of such artillery will folllow with indigenous production by tot, which drop the costs and will let the army to customize the systems. These machines would be very useful in hitting enemy bunkers & terrorist hideouts...
  10. bali

    China wants military base in Pakistan

    first americans now chinese :) , these so called allies of pakistan are determined to increase sovereignty of pakistan , gud luck with your gwadar, . . within a decade ,common pakistani people wont be allowed even to enter in such places, pakistan is reaching a point where it will be used...
  11. bali

    Army goes for missiles to counter enemy Fighter Aircraft and Cruise Missiles

    by such measures it will be difficult to penetrate Indian airspace and if pakistan uses its nukes(which are already under american shadow) it would be doing a great harm on itself, just wait for 5-6 yrs
  12. bali

    PAK-FA takes to the sky!

    apart from speculations ,nobody knows what the correct rcs of pakfa is,. certainly its not 0.5 it is lower than that, but it isnt upto f22 level either , whose real rcs figures are also speculated. . such things are always kept secret
  13. bali

    PAK-FA takes to the sky!

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