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  1. C

    Massive 8.8-magnitude quake strikes Japan

    aftershock of magnitude 5.1 hit Miyagi prefecture,fresh tsunami warning issued for whole of japan. Official casuality toll at 73 dead, 244 missing.
  2. C

    this treatment can only happen in china

    They are speaking japanese in the video :)) ..common in Tokyo subway
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    India refuses visa to Musharraf

    Musharraf is not able to come even when wished to come. Why this whining when he is not capable of coming, that is until India issues a visa, he cannot come. This is heights of Political drama, to score brownie points and get a footing in Pakistan. Shortest way to summit is India Bashing in INDIA
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    Chinese Hare, Indian Tortoise?

    Please read the article before posting instead of derailing the thread. The threads points out the chinese advantages and also criticizes india for its evident flaws.If you cannot contribute to the thread positively, please ignore this thread Thanks Thread starter:wave:
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    Chinese Hare, Indian Tortoise?

    India is to china , what china is to USA.. So if you dream of comparing yourself to giant USA, Give respect to your smaller neighbour too
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    Chinese Hare, Indian Tortoise?

    Tortoise and hare will able to compete as long as we give that cost advantage. But how long can we be the back office and manufacturing centers of the world instead of being the center of learning and center of excellence in innovation In India-Regional politics is hampering the growth in a...
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    Chinese Hare, Indian Tortoise?

    I feel the article is a right mix of optimism and pragmatism. The article is not to feel good about us in anyway. Most Indians would love to have some kind of centralized control like CCP and democracy at grass roots/state level . What we should really keep out is unnecessary arms race and...
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    Chinese Hare, Indian Tortoise?

    CD, Well i appreciate your post and i agree to most of it.But in my opinion west stole couple of centuries because they had the lead in technology. East were the champions in science and maths for a long time in the history and it reflected in our way of life and prosperity. Until and...
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    Chinese Hare, Indian Tortoise?

    An Interesting read, not intended for this versus that Chinese Hare, Indian Tortoise? About this programme by Peter Day Chinese intellectuals who visit India are - I know - baffled by the place. The smells! The noise! The chaos! How on earth (they ask me) can this be a country which the...
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    Lunar eclipse: US retreat leaves China leading way in race to return to moon

    What does Caste has to do with Indian stars putting make up. Does that comment has a touch of racism. We Indian are brown..we are proud of it. We have our own identity . Can you understand the value of a single vote?? have you ever seen a person vote in your life, even on TV. i doubt it...
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    Lunar eclipse: US retreat leaves China leading way in race to return to moon

    HAHAHAHAHAHA !!! .. India bashing makes you happy.. do you have a quota for india bashing , how much does bashing makes you happy . Can you sleep peacefully after all this . Have you ever visited India to give the such a elaborate lecture on strata of indian society. I tried to chat with you...
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    Indian call center - funny video

    thats a good one..thanks
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    India. China prepare for another joint military excercise

    Nobody is denying that Chinese GDP is 3.5 times Indian. Foriegn policy is a magazine .IMF gets the data from the chinese governtment. Did you read the article . The chinese economy grew 7 % in 2009 even when the energy consumption reduced 2.2%, so they are suspecting that the numbers the...
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    India. China prepare for another joint military excercise

    India is a federation. It has many states which was created on the basis of language. India in its present form did not exist before but India as a concept in indian mythology is as old as vedas.Hinduism is also not one as you think. It is a collection of religious beliefs practiced in the...
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    India. China prepare for another joint military excercise

    Does these guys ever allow to have a fruitful discussion.India bashing may be fun but atleast not everywhere. The points the guy want to bring out is India is poor,having lesser IQ, doesn't have manufacturing capability,Indian military is inferior to China. We can agree with him once, but if he...
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    Chinese progress provokes aggression amongst Indians

    Why do u generalise 'Indians" . How many indians do you know personally.China is a threat , but not a mortal threat. Some Chinese buoyed by recent economic boom for the past 2 decades brag a lot more than you think.If you think Indians are bragging, what do you think you are doing. Everyone has...
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    India. China prepare for another joint military excercise

    Countries never love each other. No one will protect others until there is an ulterior motive. Relation between countries are like professional relation in an office. Manager protects the team lead who in turn protects the team members. they do this in order to get respect and obedience in...
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    India. China prepare for another joint military excercise

    Hope we get tired hating and start loving.India china military exercise is a good confidence building measure (CBM)
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    India. China prepare for another joint military excercise

    i have not met 90% chinese,95% westerners, 100% japanese or german .So i really cannot comment. Half my family is japanese and i know traditional Japanese feel superior to others but are very very polite 有賀とおやすみなさい goodnight
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