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  1. M

    [Must Watch] Oh Lord, send me back

    omg so true i am so scared right now its the reaily of our lives we will die and regret after death but we wont be able to do anyting so better we recover ourselves now
  2. M

    pakistan economy past and present

    keeping friendship with india or with any other country pak needs to hold peace first in the country
  3. M

    I got married

    congrats have a wonderful married life
  4. M

    pakistan economy past and present

    thanks EjazR and everyone else here i was hoping that Pak has increased in economy but no 2006 and 2007 were the best
  5. M

    pakistan economy past and present

    hey one question from my side as well i know pakistan is developing country and doesnt have the best economy but how is at the moment? is it growing fast or slowly? or growing at all?
  6. M

    Explosion in Karachi

    awwww how sad so many people died i wish someone stops all this
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