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  1. G

    2010-Talk of a British Orchestrated Isreali Strike Against Iran

    December 31, 2009 (LPAC)—Within hours of the publication of Lyndon LaRouche's statement, Only Four Powers Cooperation Can Avoid Middle East Trigger for WWIII | LaRouchePAC, warning of the danger of a British orchestrated war using an Israeli strike against Iran, Israeli military correspondent...
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    Thorium Nuclear Power For South Asians

    There is a very good article that was written in 2005 by nuclear engineer on the importance of thorium fuel cycle and use of fast breeder reactor to develop the full capacity of this resource. The link is...
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    Does Barack Obama deserve the Nobel Peace?

    December 11, 2009 (LPAC)—Lyndon LaRouche today stated that President Barack Obama's comments in Oslo, Norway, on the occasion of his acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize, call into question his sanity. Either he is lying, or he is insane. There is no possible reasonable doubt that these are the...
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    British Expose True Intention of Copenhagen: Population Reduction

    British Expose True Intention of Copenhagen: Population Reduction December 11, 2009 (LPAC)— In two newspaper articles, one in the Financial Times today entitled "In the Family Way", and the other in the Financial Post of Canada on December 8 entitled "The Real Inconvenient Truth; The Whole...
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